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What do you want the DLC to be about?


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What do you want the DLC to be about?


I have a few things in mind, personally;


-More about the Thalmor situation. Perhaps have Talos appear in Tamriel, after being angered by the Thalmor.

-Extension of the Civil War, What happens after the moot declares Ulfric the king? and vice versa.

-Daedric God involvement, Much like the Shivering Isles expansion.

-Perhaps a mission that involves going to the Summerset Isle. It'd be about the same size as Shivering Isles, I think.


Anyhow, what are your ideas? Perhaps a modder might like your idea and make it anyway! I think DLC ideas are a great way to think of mods!

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I'm guessing the DLCs will be like Oblivion's. You'll have wizard, assassin, fighter and thief house/dungeon DLCs. Yeah, I know they said they want to expand the game play and not just add areas but they know how to do these and do them well. Judging by the demand, I wouldn't be surprised to see a dragon riding DLC. Lord knows, Skyrim needs better mounts. A dwemer ruin that allows players to have dwemer automatons as companions would make sense also. Who wouldn't want to have their own pet centurion?
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unlock whole of tamriel to walk.

be able to create multiplayer games with your single player char joining up with 2 or 3 mates.

have the thalmor situation cleared and the high elves liberated.

either completely crash or reunite the empire just as you wish.

have a final mortal combat with molog bal riding in on alduins wings or sth. :P


but for a start i wouldn`t mind have stupid rikke and tullius not talk about bloody ulfric as if he`s alive after we sent his sorry ass to sovengarde

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Oppose the major factions. Work with Mjoll the Lioness to root out and destroy the Thieves Guild and the Black Briars. Once you know of their true face, join the Silver Hand to oppose the Companions. Perhaps make an assassin group that works for justice instead of money to oppose the Dark Brotherhood (and maybe the Silver Bloods as well). Join a cult of morally ambiguous Necromancers to oppose the College.


True Bioware-quality companions. Fully voiced with backstories, conversations and opinions. Don't drop their greaves for the first adventurer with an amulet of Mara.

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unlock whole of tamriel to walk.

be able to create multiplayer games with your single player char joining up with 2 or 3 mates.

have the thalmor situation cleared and the high elves liberated.

either completely crash or reunite the empire just as you wish.

have a final mortal combat with molog bal riding in on alduins wings or sth. :P



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