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[LE] Magic Spells Destroying Barricades

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Hello people,


I am trying to create custom spells and I've noticed that some spells destroy barricades and some do not. I've narrowed the reason down to the Projectile but nothing beyond that aspect. I've looked at the projectile and tried to see the difference between them and the projectiles that don't damage the barricades.


I don't see it and maybe it's something in the .nifs but I don't know. Whatever that difference is, it scales with the magnitude that is set inside the spell. When set to a low number like 5, it took a lot of hits to break the barricade, when at 500, one hit would crush a barricade.


Something else to note, explosions do no damage to barricades and I'm wondering if there's a way to fix it.



Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Hello Elias,


Thanks for your response and my apologies for being confusing.


What I mean is, when you go to a fort, they commonly have those wooden barricades up. They can be destroyed by hitting them with a weapon but they can also be destroyed if you hit them with most destruction spells. The spells I've made, do not destroy them.


Say for instance you use flames or fireball, it will do damage to them. Some spells do and others don't and I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between the ones that do and the ones that do not.

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Oh, okay.

1.Line your projectile or explosion up with a known explosion that destroys the barricades and copy each variable until it does what you're after.


2.Check if the barricades have a script, a quest or something else attached that is controlling it.

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Thanks for the advice,


I tried this before I posted but tried it again to see if I could get it with fresh eyes. Still doesn't work.


I'm starting to wonder if the data is somehow tied into the projectile's mesh.

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