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Up-to-date pants for ladies


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I really like these two mods, but the first one hasn't been updated since 2011, and they both replace vanilla clothes, while I would prefer to add new clothes for variety.

I, personally, would really like to see more pants on women in Skyrim; it makes no sense that everyone wears long skirts, even when they have jobs, like lumberjack-ing or exploring, that would make them impractical to the point of dangerous. For some characters, it's fine, but for others, and in some cases just for the sake of variety, I wish they'd wear pants.

I like the mods linked for a number of reasons. The new clothing isn't too extravagant, it looks appropriate for most NPCs who would wear it. The clothes are lore-friendly, and the main focus of them isn't to be sexy. I don't mind sexy clothes, and it's fine for clothes to look good, but I prefer they look more realistic. The clothes are also put on NPCs; I don't just want clothes for my own character. The NPCs also get clothes that suit them.

Ultimately, what I want is a mod that adds new, lore-friendly, pants-including clothes for Skyrim's ladies, and distributes them to NPCs appropriately without removing dresses and skirts completely.

I would be happy to make the mod myself, but due to a few developer bugs in my own brain, I've been having a lot of trouble figuring out how to make mods on my own, though I'm still trying. If someone were willing to walk me through it, I would be unendingly grateful, but that's a task that would probably be very tedious for most people, so I thought it would be better to just put this request out there.

Thank you for reading my request, and thank you to the modding community as a whole for being so welcoming and supportive of newcomers. I hope you will consider my idea.

Edited by alltheseducks
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  • 2 weeks later...
Try "common clothes." They add a ton of new clothing items to the game that people wear or that you can find; no dresses, several pants, and some robes. Personally, I wish that there were more dresses in the game because I'm a huge fan of lore-friendliness or "historical" accuracy (even though skyrim isn't real, but it's based off of the dark ages). Hope this helps!
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