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Requesting a simple, but possibly pointless mod


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Hey, this mod request is a weird one, but it sounds like it wouldn't be too complicated to make. (atleast in theory)


There used to be a mod in WoW called Bosstalk that had a button you could press, and it would play a random quote from a random boss from WoW.

Now, I'm not asking for a mod to play wow quotes, but in theory the idea is the same. I would like a mod where there was some hotkey you could press,

and when pressing it the mod would play a random sound-file from a specific folder. (I would add the sound-files myself)


It wouldn't need to be more complicated than that, alas I have no idea how such a thing would work. So the idea sounds like it would be easy to do, but that's coming

from someone with no modding experience whatsoever, so I wouldn't know. :P


Would this mod be practical to anyone else but me? Possibly not, but I suppose it could also be used to play random music from the folder aswell,

maybe someone could find that useful. If someone is interested why I'd want this, well I found pressing the button quite addicting. In a good way, and this is more planned for use when I'm going from place X to place Y on my horse for the 100:th time and it's really quiet.


TL;DR: Requesting a mod where pressing a certain hotkey plays a random sound-file from a specific folder (where I could put the sound-files)


Either way, any help is appereciated, feel free to comment. :)

Edited by saneroot
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