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[RELz/WIP] Vanilla Hair Replacer


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Hi, I've been working on this mod for a while now and finally got it right. Of course there are still some issues and it would be great if there people would help me 'porting' some popular mods to make it compatible with this one if there is interests. Anyway, here is an excerpt from the readme.


Nexus link: Apachii Vanilla Hair Replacer


FaceGen Data Uploaded

Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Bijin NPCs, Warmaidens, Wives


This mod is not compatible with mods like Diversity, Total Character Makeover or other mods that add NPCs or alter vanilla NPCs' faces. Mods that do not rely on vanilla hairstyles should be fine. I am currently working on adding facegen data for popular mods like the ones just mentioned.



This mod uses the three hair packs Apachii Hair, Apachii Hair Females, and Apachii Hair Males as a base and replaces the vanilla hairstyles in Skyrim. It does so by editing the esp file, and therefore the three mods by Apachii are required. This means that you will not see any of the vanilla styles in your game (except for the ones I missed or intentionally left out). This mod does not come with any meshes or textures on its own.


This includes:

  • all humans and elves
  • Dremora
  • only half of the male Orc styles
  • no male Redguard styles
  • no Khajiit, Argonians or Snow Elves


More Detail

For those interested in my reasoning for my choices, here is some information about how the vanilla game is set up. This applies to male and female unless stated otherwise. There are 8-9 styles for the Dunmer, and an additional 9 styles for all elves. The Dunmer styles are also used by all other mer. There are also around 20 Nord styles that are used by all 'humans'. Orcs have their own styles in vanilla; so do male Redguards (Redguards use human styles, as well). Female Redguards have two additional styles that are used by all humans, however (so no exclusive styles). Imperials have one extra style each (none are exclusive).


Many (if not most) of the meshes for men and mer (and Dremora) are simple copies. There are very few models that are exclusive to men or mer. I am not even sure if the textures are any different. While working on this mod I endeavored to give each race an exclusive feel and so no female styles (except for two side shaves, one mohawk, and one dreadlock style) are shared among elves and humans. Orcs also share some of the human or elf styles because of lack of options. For males this was more difficult since there aren't as many total styles available. I still tried, though, and gave most of the 'upswept' styles to elves, for example.


Because of this I gave female Redguards, Bretons, Altmer, Imperials, and female Bosmer additional, exclusive styles. These are not used by NPCs, however and are indicated by a '+' in the pictures.


There are multiple reasons for not using a certain style. For one, I do not like it. Secondly, and this applies to long styles, especially the ones that go over the chest, they do not look good in a game without any hair physics. Thirdly, they make guys look like tools (this one is close to my heart).


I know that KS Hairdos uses XPMSSE. Maybe something like this can be added to Apachii, as well.

Edited by ArtaiosGreybark
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