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Skyrim frustration


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Can't take it anylonger, just wish to say Skyrim is a very nice RPG, you can do a lot of things but I am tired about some issue that left me not satisfacted, so I am starting to list here the parts that are tiring me out and, with the hope that someday with a CK or whatever will be fixed somehow.


- Creatures are always the same, there's not much variety in the whole world: spiders, bears, bandits, wolves...

there should be a way to increase numbers of animals and creatures you can meet even in Ultima IX ascension there was more of them.


- People is all crazy, starting from farmers they get always killed by dragons cause like stupid they try to fight instead go home and stay safe...

Bandits then asks for mercy while they are rising the knife upon you??? wth!?!

Can be somehow a bit improved by PISE? (Please Increase Shrewdness on Enemies?)

I suggested a aura of fear on dragons that cover all levels that are for example 5 under


- I tryed everything to increase difficoulty in game but now even in adept with deadly dragons in godlike PISE the game is too easy, I just run with my shield raised and now at lev 40 I feel every fight already not so challenging like before...


- Followers cant even get a horse and follow you, and they keep repeating always the same chitchat things all the time (I dont think is possible to fix that unless a group of women with CK start to remake a bit of improved romance on the game, I dont even hope something like that.. so better leave follower at home before suffering insanity momemts.


- I cant decide not to complete a quest because or you do this or you do this without exclusions like killing a person on the molag bal altar, and if I decide not to obey? Why should I obey and kill that guy for a stupid mace? or steal a statue from a temple?



I am feeling this game day by day like farther then my expectations and start be bored, I hope that with CK will be possible to fix the game also because I dont like play this way, I hope to find many people like me that wait that something good will be get out with the hope of a more thrilling gameplay.

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Even in Adept it's too easy? Adept isn't exactly a hard setting.


Morally gray, or wrong, quests are a positive thing for me. So what if I don't do every quest? You don't go around punching people just because you can, do you? Would you really feel like a Paladin if you just were funneled into 'good' choices? Isn't it better to role play a 'good' character by choosing not to do the evil quests, even though that has consequences that aren't always easy?


"Unless a group of women with the CK...[fix the dialogue]" *speechless*

Edited by Rennn
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More locations? Damn people, there are 300+ UNIQUE locations in the world... that's not including locations that aren't labelled on the map, and there are quite a few that aren't.



Unless you've beaten every major questline, every side quest, all the radiant quests, and levelled ALL your skills to 100... THEN played the game on Master using Hardcore mod rules, you can't complain.




All of your complaints are fairly trivial TBH... complaining that it's too easy playing on Adept? LOL

Not enough monsters? Wait till the CK dude... they'll be THOUSANDS of monsters...

Followers annoying you with repetitive speech? Download the mod that makes them talk like 10% what they used to...





I can understand if you are having bugs / crashing that is rendering the game unplayable... but coming to the Skyrim discussion forums to say you are tired of the game based on the information you gave??? All I have to say is LEAVE then. Nobody is holding you back. If you are tired of the game, good riddance. Sick of people like you flooding our forums with "I'm bored of skyrim" topics. If you're so bored, JUST. LEAVE.

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Sick of people like you flooding our forums with "I'm bored of skyrim" topics. If you're so bored, JUST. LEAVE.


I'm sick of people who come along and demand other people leave just because they don't like what they read. If you don't like what people write you're free NOT TO READ THE THREADS. JUST. DON'T. READ. THEM.

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Hi, just so you know I have a mod in mind when the comstruction set comes out.

I never like to give much away, but in your case ill tell you a little:


Its a massive immersion mod, which should take the game to a whole new level. It will add tons of real life like content.

A few examples:

Other heroes going around and slaying dragons and pludering caves. As you play, other heroes will be in the world doing their own thing and levelling up, completing some simple quests instead of you. Taken a bounty to kill a bandit? Take too long and another hero will claim it.

Walking around with spells out? People wont just say you should be careful walking around with magic like that? You really shouldnt walk around with magic out in case the wrong person sees it and hires some thugs to teach you a lesson.

Plus many more NPCs in the world doing their own things

Thieves fleeing from guards, thieves pickpocketing the player and then fleeing the scene.

Plus many many more ideas I have, and all the sorts of things you said may also be addressed

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Set it to Master. Please.


Setting the game to master does make (some) enemies harder to kill and the Dragonborn easy prey to (some) enemies, but I dare say it's the laziest tweak of difficulty seen in gaming. Quick example: On master wolves should not be harder to kill, the Dragonborn should be be attacked by pack of 12 or more at a time.


And the CK will undoubtedly help, but unfortunately so many of the problems imo, are tied to the game engine (may Skyrim be its swan song) and good immersion elements will be next to impossible to add.

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