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Mod creator looking for inspiration


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I've written a couple of mods and am still working on another.


I use OBSE and was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a new mod because I'm stumped.


Not been very imaginative recently. :blink:


Thoughts, suggestions are appreciated.

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You use OBSE?


You could take a look at the mesh path replacement functions and work on creating a way to use different body meshes for different races. So far there have been a couple of solutions involving just the player, but not NPCs (including Breeze's Bodyshapes project, never finished). This would be a huge leap for modding as it would allow people to set up races for a specific body without requiring all other races to use that one.


One of my mods uses a script written by Ronyn for replacing the lowerbody and feet, but it only works for the player:




Or alternately, I'm absolutely positive Vagrant's Plane of Meridia mod project could use another scripter:





Scripting is a precious skill that is always in high demand. ;)

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Or alternately, I'm absolutely positive Vagrant's Plane of Meridia mod project could use another scripter:



This is true, I could always use help setting up quests or scripting various features within the mod. But I don't plan on using OBSE for the mod, so it may not be what you're looking for exactly.


As for mod ideas, you may be better off considdering content based ideas (companions, quests, areas) rather than just scripting based. The downside to script based mods is that unless you can be the first to use functions in a new and unique way, you're often just doing things similar to someone else. And on the same note, there isn't much preventing someone else from doing pretty much the same things you did (with a few minor changes). A content based mod however tends to have a more personal touch to it, and although some elements may be the same between multiple mods, they aren't the same.


There was a suggestion to do some additional planes of Oblivion (as in the ones related to Mehrunes). Setting up a few with some unique scripted elements, like lever combinations, semi-random ambushes, and other stuff to add interest might be right up your alley. Especially since it shouldn't require any new meshes, and doesn't take much more than the will to do it. Meanwhile it improves player experience since they would have a bit more variety in one of the areas of the game where it is really lacking.

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Hi Slugworld,


Nice to see some ambitious modders out there. Done a few myself, but decided not to do so much with Oblivion. Anyway, I somewhat agree with Vagrant in that it's always good to see a nice content based mod or quest type mod, I mean you can't much get into a "place or area" without a story line behind it (not that you would have done that). On that note, have you ever tried picking up a good fiction book. Simply reading a little decent fiction can be a great source of inspiration for games like this. Imagine taking just a small but magnificent piece of story line, place, war scene, etc. and translating that into Oblivion...with your own style and touch of course.


With that said, I still have yet to find a mod that satisfies my taste for the Morrowind style interface for enchanting items. I did a search for enchant and the closest I've come to it was the "Enchanting Skill" mod. Which was a very good mod, true. But, I found it to be quite discouraging to use in the fact that when you combine two items to make a "double" enchanted item 1. it less than halves the strength of each enchantment and 2. you have to use two (grand) soul gems. So what you end up with may be "balanced", but hardly worth the time. Whereas, in morrowind you had some way of adjusting the strength of each chosen enchantment for one item, i.e. sliders. 'Course, you couldn't use sliders without some serious, mad coding/scripting whatever. But, maybe you could still have a system of creating a way of adjusting the potency of each enchantment. The drawback of course is that there are many enchantment mods out there.


Me personally, I can't stand all those leftover Oblivion gates all over the place. But I do like the the power that the sigil stones give. But, then you can't really customize the enchantments can you? Infact, it's quite annoying when compared to the flexibility of Morrowind. So what I'm really looking for is the ability to enchant an item, any item, with any enchantment or combination of enchantments, including reflecting spells to some degree anyway and giving a weapon "wielding power" without "on strike", all at the potential strength of a transcendent sigil stone. I don't think that would be too powerful if say you had the enchant skill of an expert and an intelligence of 75 or higher.

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I've written a couple of mods and am still working on another.


I use OBSE and was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a new mod because I'm stumped.


Not been very imaginative recently. :blink:


Thoughts, suggestions are appreciated.


I guess it'd be a mod....a game change thingie, anyway. A mod where the PC can sit and eat.

When/if people eat, it just disappears from their inventory. Gone. Whoopie. No fun.

I mean, it'd be nice to be able to sit down in a tavern and, in third person, watch your PC eat. Or if you couldn't see yourself eat, at least make it seem like you're doing something with the food instead of making it vanish from your backpack. It would almost be like being with others for a change. Also, it'd be nice to sit on the edge of a cliff, dangle my feet over the edge, pop open a bottle of ale to wash down the cheese and bread I'm eating and watch the critters wander around the valley for a few minutes.

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