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Request for Alternate Vampire lord form


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lets gets honest, the Vampire lord form, is ugly, its not the kind of ugly that makes it "cool", nope, its the kind of ugly that you just don't want to ever become one...


Wich is sad, because its ignoring a large part of the vampire gameplay.


So i've been looking around for alternate Vampire Lord forms, most of them are just retextures, while they're nice, the form is still the problem.


i've also found a few mods that are not on the Nexus, but most of them focus on Slooty Vampire Lord females, wich is not my thing.


So i would like to request a Vampire Lord form, if anyone feels up to the task.


I was thinking something similar to the Vampires in Castelvania Lords of Shadows.


Those looks beefy, brutal, beasty, AND cool, wich is the most important point.








I hope to hear about you guys soon, see ya.

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  • 9 months later...

I'd kinda prefer a form that sticks more closely to the forms and physics of the original form of the transformy. like say if an orcish vampire turns into a vampire lord, well, he's winged and he's probably got bigger, sharper tusks. Maybe say a khajiit, which becomes something sorta' bat-like, but it's a big hairless sphinx cat, rather than something that looks too human to be formed from a cat. I was also thinkin' with argonians maybe to have their forms be viper/cobra men, but they could also possibly share traits with dragons...just not the common dragons we keep seeing in skyrim that look boring as hell; or the current design could, ya' know just put scales on it, and extend the face....or actually make it a big scaleless lizard with no eyes, like Seath the Scaleless from Dark Souls! That could be awesome!

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