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No Fast Travel, AT ALL, EVER!


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I find it tiresome traveling in Skyrim especially without roads being marked on the map (without mods,) i always end up dying by walking of a cliff or something. I liked traveling by foot in Cyrodill because the roads were consistent (if bland) and you could see the landscape, Skyrim is just foggy and you cant see much!




Go visit the grey beards to see Parthenox. You get a shout the helps the visuals and makes seeing so much easier. ( i hope this isn't considered a spoiler )

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think you are right. But i don't think quest progression effects this incrementally. In my current game, i have only done the first Main quest (report to Whiterun) which i believe triggers dragon spawns entirely, with the exception of unique (scripted) spawns.

As far as I know, that is confirmed. You need to fight the first scripted dragon for the spawn to start.

I also strongly believe the dragon spawn increase as you get further into the main quest, just because they want you to feel "epic". This isn't really fun at higher levels, and no fast travel, when every dragon takes a good chunk of time to kill, and you gain nothing you need.

I am also not sure if levels decide anything.

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Dragon Spawns realy are random and not only is the Spawn random but their behavior towards you is random as well .


I don't get attacked by every single dragon i see . They will often fly above me ( not more than 30 feet above me ) and they will not attack me . Yesterday there was a Blood Dragon and an Elder Dragon flying above some ruins. I was amazed to see 2 dragons in the same location so i just stood there and watched and the Blood Dragon eventualy came down and killed 2 Skeletons that were standing there on top of the stairs , then he took off and started circling again.


I swear those two dragons were straight above me and never showed any kind of aggressivity towards me nor my followers so i eventualy decided to let them live since they were pretty far from any villages or towns. Then later, i was walking on a dirt road in the woods and a Frost dragon landed right in front of me and started breathing ice on me so no need to say that this one's soul is now mine lol.


By the way i'm a lvl 55 closing in on 56 and i'm done with the main quest and i can confirm that the amount of dragons spawning is high but at my lvl , not even the Ancient Dragons represent any kind of serious threat . I don't realy understand why anyone who's lvl 40 and up would complain about dragons.


For those of you who might not be as combat oriented as i am , here is a little tip to make it easier for you to kill dragons. Try using your shouts at the same time as the dragon is breathing on you, your shout will interupt the dragon's breath . If you do not have the Dragonrend shout, Unrelenting Force will work perfectly fine and even if you have the strongest version of Unrelenting force, just use one word on him since the shout will not do any damage to him and the stronger you shout on him and and the longer it will take for you to be able to shout again. So make sure you keep using the 15 seconds version to make sure you can interupt him as many times as possible.


Whether you have a shield or a 2 handed weapon , while you're blocking and pressing the attack button , your character will eihter do a shield bash or Hit with the hilt of his weapon , that move will stagger him and again will interupt the dragon's breath so just keep hitting him normaly without using your stamina too much and when you see him opening his mouth , press block and then attack to interupt him . That move DOES cost stamina so thats why you want to keep your stamina to interput him .


I also recommend using potions to heal yourself while fighting a dragon even if you have spells because while you're casting a spell to heal yourself, this gives plenty of time to the dragon to breath fire on you and simply waste your spell. The healing potions are instant and allow you to continue bashing on him and be ready to interupt him at any time.


Now i could probably go on about and keep giving tips and tricks but i'm sure everyone here gets the idea , and as i said, those tips are only for those of you who still have trouble with dragons which i'm totally aware doesn't apply to everyone reading this post.


Hope it helps a few people though



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I thought dragons appear more frequently when you do fast travel? Maybe they just seem to because I'm jumping ahead in time?


One thing I like about not using fast travel (nor wait but yes to sleep) is that it changes the order of how I do things. The location of things matter more. And not waiting forces me to find other things to do that I wouldn't had done, like visiting an inn and talking to others or just exploring more.


But I still think it's great to have these features in the game.

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not even the Ancient Dragons represent any kind of serious threat . I don't realy understand why anyone who's lvl 40 and up would complain about dragons.

Not a threat, just a pointless fight. An ancient dragon, or two, will take you some time to take down. A mage will run out of mana long before the dragon is dead, a Warrior will hope he can get a few Dragonrends off and be able to take the beating and an Assassin will need to hope the dragon doesn't see him/her. After the fight you get material for crafting, which is useless if you are at high level -- or you can sell them, which is just as useless consider having 100 000+ gold at later game is common, and you get a soul -- which is useless, since you will have all your shouts maxed out fast enough.

A dragin fight is not hard, nor epic. It is simply longwinded and boring. I'd rather fight 3 Bandit Marauders, which kicks my ass, than 1 dragon.


Which is what I am "warning" about. Playing on Master without exploiting, and a non-fast-travel run will be an annoyance. Warriors will wait half the fights untill dragonrend, and mages will never have the mana to kill a dragon outright. Other than that, the challenge is quite fun.

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not even the Ancient Dragons represent any kind of serious threat . I don't realy understand why anyone who's lvl 40 and up would complain about dragons.

Not a threat, just a pointless fight. An ancient dragon, or two, will take you some time to take down. A mage will run out of mana long before the dragon is dead, a Warrior will hope he can get a few Dragonrends off and be able to take the beating and an Assassin will need to hope the dragon doesn't see him/her. After the fight you get material for crafting, which is useless if you are at high level -- or you can sell them, which is just as useless consider having 100 000+ gold at later game is common, and you get a soul -- which is useless, since you will have all your shouts maxed out fast enough.

A dragin fight is not hard, nor epic. It is simply longwinded and boring. I'd rather fight 3 Bandit Marauders, which kicks my ass, than 1 dragon.


Which is what I am "warning" about. Playing on Master without exploiting, and a non-fast-travel run will be an annoyance. Warriors will wait half the fights untill dragonrend, and mages will never have the mana to kill a dragon outright. Other than that, the challenge is quite fun.


As a mage , it's always wise to have at least one or two good summoning spells whether you're a conjurer or not , summoning storm atronachs would definatly make the fight easier and take less time and allow you to save magicka. My mage also has the Conjure Bound Bow spell which is definatly not something i use all the time but during fights that i know will take sometime and especialy against dragons, i knew that it would be usefull since you only spend the magicka once and you have the bow quite some time and don't have to worry about running out of magicka and i was also realy surprised at the amount of damage that my Conjured bow was dealing without any perks .


I agree that as a warrior you'll spend a lot of time waiting for a dragon to come down, then when he finaly does you only get a small amount of time to bash on him before he takes off again and so on. Thats why i was carrying a bow on my warrior. I wasn't doing crazy damage with my bow but at least enough damage to make it worth it . And having a follower with you who can do range damage is always a good idea . Eihter an archer or a mage is always good to have if you're a warrior type.


Now if you are the kind of person who wants to make the game more of a challenge and simply refuse to have followers or to deviate a little from your main path in certain situations in order to make your life a little easier, then you simply have to accept the difficulties that comes with it .


In my case, i've always been a combat oriented person, always kicking the butts of my friends in any fighting games on any consoles i ever had and always kicking butts in any combat oriented games period . I always welcome a fight with open arms in any games and i find Skyrim to be one of the games that offers the best fights no matter what i'm fighting in Skyrim, i simply enjoy it and always want more . I know thats not the case for everyone but for those who would rather avoid fights as much as possible, there is always a way to make that possible for them . Dragons can be heard from a very far distance , when you hear one , try to figure out where he is and go around that area. If you're a sneaky type, just sneak your way passed him, if you're a mage type, you surely have the Muffle spell or the Invisibility spell .


If you get discovered despite all your efforts, use the FADE shout and sprint your way out of there , to be honest i've never tried to run from a fight with a dragon but i'm assuming it's possible just like it is with anything else .


And to be honest, if you're a warrior type, you are bound to be a person who enjoys a good fight, i would find it a bit odd to see a person playing a warrior type and complaining about having to fight , good loot or not .

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does it still count as fast travel if its someplace youve been before? i would hate to travels by foot with a full load only to find more stuff... but just to be clear i always use the consol tmm 0 at the very start to remove ALL markers. And I never use horses waste of good meat
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I find it tiresome traveling in Skyrim especially without roads being marked on the map (without mods,) i always end up dying by walking of a cliff or something. I liked traveling by foot in Cyrodill because the roads were consistent (if bland) and you could see the landscape, Skyrim is just foggy and you cant see much!




Go visit the grey beards to see Parthenox. You get a shout the helps the visuals and makes seeing so much easier. ( i hope this isn't considered a spoiler )


There's a mod that adds roads to the map

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