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No Fast Travel, AT ALL, EVER!


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i have a very big question. why on tamriel would someone play skyrim whit no fast travel? there are so many mountains here that not using fast travel make like 45 minutes longer to reach somewhere. and there are some huge distants. like going from solitude to riften or even solitude to riverwood.
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i have a very big question. why on tamriel would someone play skyrim whit no fast travel? there are so many mountains here that not using fast travel make like 45 minutes longer to reach somewhere. and there are some huge distants. like going from solitude to riften or even solitude to riverwood.


The big answer is "PATIENCE!"

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i have a very big question. why on tamriel would someone play skyrim whit no fast travel? there are so many mountains here that not using fast travel make like 45 minutes longer to reach somewhere. and there are some huge distants. like going from solitude to riften or even solitude to riverwood.



Here is another reason by "fast travel" jumping you miss a lot of things and with mods like Wars in Skyrim that are great add'ons. You would miss even more no fast travel is the way to go.

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not even the Ancient Dragons represent any kind of serious threat . I don't realy understand why anyone who's lvl 40 and up would complain about dragons.








I take it that you play on easy with 100% Fire and Frost resist, because my lvl 48 character gets 1-shot by "Elder" Dragons. He has over 500 HP and dies from one Fire shout. You can say, but how easy is it to avoid a dragon shout, well not that easy when you have concerns like saving NPC from getting eaten or fighting trolls, or two dragons at the same time.


Personally i pity people who use exploits and essentially enable god-mode and complain it's too easy.


I play master, using Nightingale armor (50% resist to frost) and jewelry with resist but no exploit (40% resist to shock and fire), level 58 with 350 health (I'm jack of all trades bosmer, I got high stamina and high magicka too. lol) I can tank an Elder dragon's Frost breath (well not exactly tank, I can survive 1 blast with about 1/4 of my life left), although I don't usually get hit full on since I run around always, so not sure if I can do that receiving a full blast. A basic Dragon is easy though, and an Ancient Dragon I think may be able to one shot me. I get killed by an Elder Dragon if I let it bite me though. They always do that kill animation on me.



Yeah, you must have a terrible time with that Animation when you get into melee range. Used to happen to me a lot, that's when i decided to stop stacking stamina and put a little extra into HP.


Good that you don't use cheap exploits and whinge that it's too easy. Still i can't bring myself to use any resist gear, makes me feel cheap lol.


Actually, I got a bit tired of it since I exploited it before and then decided I did not like the exploit. I don't read much and thought of trying out exploiting alchemy, didn't realize it would be a game breaker. So I stashed my dragon scale armor, but it didn't feel right anymore, so I'm using a new character now. I was doing too much of damage with the exploited daedric bow I have, and scaling down again felt weird.


Right now I'm using a no armor, no destruction tree pure mage, so almost no chance of exploiting anything.

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i have a very big question. why on tamriel would someone play skyrim whit no fast travel? there are so many mountains here that not using fast travel make like 45 minutes longer to reach somewhere. and there are some huge distants. like going from solitude to riften or even solitude to riverwood.


Because Elder Scrolls is not a game you play. Its a game you experience. No other game lets you have nice encounters on the road. Fast travel does not let you watch a dragon and a giant on a duel. If it was the real world and you were lets say riding your horse from Whiterun to Markarth, you might actually witness one. You also meet all sorts of people along the way. I met this orc who was waiting for a good death, there was this old crazy lady who was asking me to Wabbajack her, I came across an abandoned cart, which led me to a bandit hide out, I came across a waterfall where Falmer were holding an Argonian prisoner (for the record that door does not appear on map), encountered thieves trying to rob me, saw nice scenery, there's just so many things you miss if you just keep on fast travelling. I used to fast travel a lot in my first playthrough, but on my second I'm playing things slow and thinking a lot of my choices and missions. The first go through was more like "go to all places! do all the missions!" type of play. So far I am enjoying the second more immersive play through even more.


Only once did I use a form of fast travel in the second play through and that was the cart from Whiterun to Winterhold. When the Jarl sent me to High Hrothgar, I decided it was a good time for my Breton to balk away from the weird old hermits at the top of the world for weird reasons, and set off to the College.

Edited by chanchan05
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Actually, I got a bit tired of it since I exploited it before and then decided I did not like the exploit. I don't read much and thought of trying out exploiting alchemy, didn't realize it would be a game breaker. So I stashed my dragon scale armor, but it didn't feel right anymore, so I'm using a new character now. I was doing too much of damage with the exploited daedric bow I have, and scaling down again felt weird.


Right now I'm using a no armor, no destruction tree pure mage, so almost no chance of exploiting anything.




Haha, damn don't be too hard on yourself.



Meanwhile with my Assassin i am getting 2-shot killed by the high level bandits, which is kind of annoying, but at least its fun trying to kite them around. Maybe it's time i switched to something better than elven swords that do 20 damage.


It might be just me but the stealth mechanics in this game are really buggy/random. Btw is that a stealth Mage you are building ?

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I go most places, most times on foot. I've had horses. They're a pain in the butt. The person who actually needs a hore is my wife/follower, since I can out run her and the horse. Unfornately, the only thing a follower will do to a hore is kill it for you. I have finally got to the point where I just go Wher I'm headed and let her folow the best she can. She always turns up, eventually. As for never fast travelling, why would I limit my options, even when they make sense for me. You have your fun and I'll have mine.
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Actually, I got a bit tired of it since I exploited it before and then decided I did not like the exploit. I don't read much and thought of trying out exploiting alchemy, didn't realize it would be a game breaker. So I stashed my dragon scale armor, but it didn't feel right anymore, so I'm using a new character now. I was doing too much of damage with the exploited daedric bow I have, and scaling down again felt weird.


Right now I'm using a no armor, no destruction tree pure mage, so almost no chance of exploiting anything.




Haha, damn don't be too hard on yourself.



Meanwhile with my Assassin i am getting 2-shot killed by the high level bandits, which is kind of annoying, but at least its fun trying to kite them around. Maybe it's time i switched to something better than elven swords that do 20 damage.


It might be just me but the stealth mechanics in this game are really buggy/random. Btw is that a stealth Mage you are building ?



Stealth mage, I sneak everywhere and make use of Illusion for invisibility and muffle with dual casted armor and some resto perks. Primary offense is bound bow and bound dual sword with an atronach if things get rough, and they DO get rough. LOL. I had a hell of a time kiting the caller while my dual caster flame atronach duked it out with her two atronachs. That b*tch can kill me in like 3 shots. Managed to kill her by doing spell sword mode with fast heal.


The main difficulty I'm having now is I'm using a lot of skill trees. LOL. Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Sneak, One-Hand, Archery. I still have no perks in Sneak, and only 1 each in one-hand and archery, but I need to level those up if I want to do decent damage. Its an awesome challenge.

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