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Skyrim Special Edition: CTD in Racemenu


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I am playing Skyrim SE and really enjoy how stable it runs although I am running around 300 mods.


CTDs are really, really rare. However since I started a new playthrough, whenever I am in Racemenu (at the beginning in Helgen or later on) I get CTD. Racemenu loads, but once I switch the Race, Sex or anything else, it does nothing for some time (nothing visible at least so i guess it is loading) and then it crashes. Weirdly I do not have that problem in my old SSE playthrough. There switching race or sex may take a few seconds but I do not experience CTDs.


Does anyone have any ideas? Is it due to a lack of memory (like in oldrim when two many hairs were installed and racemenu crashed)? It's hard for me to imagine...

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Maybe I'm off here, but racemenu requires SKSE, and that isn't out for SSE yet. Even if you were to run it off SSE manually, wouldn't it still conflict and CTD?


I think they're referring to the racemenu itself, not the mod. I hope so anyway. I also just now realized this is not in the correct forum - the Special Edition has it's own forum.


Just for future reference, this is the appropriate forum for Special Edition:



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