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[LE] Help with recoloring mod and removing "Shininess"


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ok, first and foremost the mod that i am editing is not my own, i am recoloring for personal use. The mod in question is a race mod called 'the kitune of akvair', while the mod itself is relatively well done in my opinion it only offers one color for the kitsune tails while ears change to match closest to the hair color. I have successfully recolored the tail to the color i want but now my tails look like they are made of plastic or latex rather than fur. can anyone with more experience than I please assists. the programs i have access to are paint.net (what i ued to recolor the fur) and Nifskope for the .NIF files.





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The values on the bslightingshaderblock, compare them to a vanilla nif of similsr properties. As for the specular, you need to make paint.net display channels (ive never used that program) and check the forth (alpha) if its full white then that is what happened and also makemsure you save the normal map with a comprssion fkrmat that saves alpha such as dxt5 and not dxt1 for example.
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