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Why are Mods free?


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I always thought modders made mods for themselves and not to please strangers... If that truly is the case then there is nothing to argue about here.


A mod, like any product, should be traded only for a sum of cash. Just like a proper capitalist would trade any product that has been made for the sole purpose of profit.

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Fkemman11, on 16 Jan 2017 - 08:27 AM, said:

I have been playing games for 3 decades now and only recently started modding. I only wonder, given how talented a group Modders are as a whole, why they refused to accept payment for their hard work. I love that they are free. But I wonder how long this will last. Sorry if this is an old topic. I ask this question because I would like to develop a few ideas I have for the Nexus.


There are more freeloaders than talented modders, people with longer memories know that the communities favorite modders did jump on the paid band wagon.

Then rolled in death threats. <--Yes people did threaten the lives of known modders, that's another thing that as a whole the community likes to forget.


As far as violating the TOS that Tos was being changed to make it fit the new agenda.

Anyway doesn't matter there are enough other avenues and nicer topics to explore.

Edited by gamefever
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If by contributions you mean donations, then not really. Most people don't even endorse mods here on the Nexus, let alone donate.


The actual amounts of endorsements do seem to be in an overall decline.

Also there is a tendency for only a select group of mods to ever really get endorsements but the general trends are pretty obvious,

First come typically get the most endorsements even if the module itself is broken, not well designed, or even just proves out in the long run to be of poorer quality than the assets it claims to enhance.

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