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Having trouble starting the game ....


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I just uninstalled some of my mods manually ( without using a manager ) deleting them from nexus mod manager mod file storage ... and my game won't start even when I start it without running SKSE .. it just shows that bethedsda logo and then CTDs happen ..


some of the mods I uninstalled were the mods I uninstalled before and some were mods that were actually active ..


I think the mod order is messed up .. So I'll be glad if someone can help me. thanks

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The procedure you described is literally asking for trouble.... First of all, if you use NMM, don't change anything (be it in the Skyrim/data folder or in NMMs folder) manually. Always let NMM do installing or uninstalling operations. Probably you will also receive some error messages the next time you start NMM. OFC you can manually add mods without using NMM by simply copying them in your Skyrim/data folder, but as soon as anything was hadled once by NMM, let NMM do it's job.


Second, uninstalling mods during a playthrough is not recommended for a reason: The mod's data will get baked into your savegame. That's just the way the Skyrim engine works. You may be able to remove scripts witha a save game cleaner, but something will still remain and may cause trouble.


Regarding the CTDs on the bethesda logo you mentioned: This type of crashes is usually caused by missing master files. In other words: You probably deleted a file that is needed by a mod, that's still active. You can find the mod that's missing a master in the "Plugins" tab of NMM: Mods missing a master are marked in orange. NMM will normally also tell you, which file is required. If possible, add the missing master file by reinstalling the respective mod.

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The procedure you described is literally asking for trouble.... First of all, if you use NMM, don't change anything (be it in the Skyrim/data folder or in NMMs folder) manually. Always let NMM do installing or uninstalling operations. Probably you will also receive some error messages the next time you start NMM. OFC you can manually add mods without using NMM by simply copying them in your Skyrim/data folder, but as soon as anything was hadled once by NMM, let NMM do it's job.


Second, uninstalling mods during a playthrough is not recommended for a reason: The mod's data will get baked into your savegame. That's just the way the Skyrim engine works. You may be able to remove scripts witha a save game cleaner, but something will still remain and may cause trouble.


Regarding the CTDs on the bethesda logo you mentioned: This type of crashes is usually caused by missing master files. In other words: You probably deleted a file that is needed by a mod, that's still active. You can find the mod that's missing a master in the "Plugins" tab of NMM: Mods missing a master are marked in orange. NMM will normally also tell you, which file is required. If possible, add the missing master file by reinstalling the respective mod.

understood .. thank you so much .

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