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Roleplaying in Skyrim


Female Cosmetic Infestation  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel the amount of female cosmetics has gone too far?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I simply cannot fap to the pixels from before.

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I never play these types of games as "who I want to be". Otherwise, I would never play these games. My personal standards for myself are never met by the story and options created by game developers. I progress who I am in real life and keep that focus.


When playing any game, I either go with the only character provided (most games don't even have custom options, so you must not play those?) else create one. I like creating characters as opposed to inserting myself into some fantasized avatar of myself. I think it's called role-playing.


The nude female form is nothing to be disturbed by. Well, unless the person is ill and unhealthy.


When I don't care for a mod, I just don't use it. I don't start a thread against it. Then, again, I've never been personally offended by one.

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You were also rebuked earlier. Most cosmetic mods aren't adult ones.


You idiot, did you forget why you started this thread? Because of the cosmetic mods referring to any sort graphical enhancement to females to make them more appealing are everywhere on Nexus thus you began questioning the intentions of the creation of the mods.


And the instance you are referring to when haloror or whatever his name is pointed out that there are more cosmetic mods that are NON-ADULT meaning no physical adjustments involving better sex appeal.

Edited by R3Q
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You were also rebuked earlier. Most cosmetic mods aren't adult ones.


You idiot, did you forget why you started this thread? Because of the cosmetic mods referring to any sort graphical enhancement to females to make them more appealing are everywhere on Nexus thus you began questioning the intentions of the creation of the mods.


Fortunately, his first post is still there for all to see. It is clear he was referring to adult mods with his reference to masturbation.

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You were also rebuked earlier. Most cosmetic mods aren't adult ones.


You idiot, did you forget why you started this thread? Because of the cosmetic mods referring to any sort graphical enhancement to females to make them more appealing are everywhere on Nexus thus you began questioning the intentions of the creation of the mods.


Fortunately, his first post is still there for all to see. It is clear he was referring to adult mods with his reference to masturbation.


Those were DIRECTLY in attack to the nude mods. Do not avoid the cosmetic mods, because you know they are indefensible.

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Fortunately, his first post is still there for all to see. It is clear he was referring to adult mods with his reference to masturbation.


Really, he's just trying to prove a non-existing point because he's desperate since he hadn't kept up with the arguments presented previously since he made this thread. It's pretty much redundant that he shows interest now.



Those were DIRECTLY in attack to the nude mods. Do not avoid the cosmetic mods, because you know they are indefensible.


That still doesn't explain the "Sexual depravity" and "Childhood fantasy denial" presumptions you made... You need to keep up.

Edited by R3Q
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I'll say no because I just don't care what others do with their game and cosmetics. If they want to play the game with scantily-clad characters, or even nude characters, I won't tell them that's wrong. I honestly don't see what harm their presence does. Some people like tuna fish. I don't. Does that mean I can tell them tuna fish is bad? Not particularly. If it's a crime to like things like nude mods, it's pretty much certainly a victimless crime, similar to liking tuna fish. As for the point about male mods being harder to find, that may be true, though I haven't noticed it. I don't mod the appearances of male characters in my game, I think they look fine. Personally, I'm a straight male, and so I pay more attention to making female characters not look completely hideous. It's just more noticeable to me because I don't look at male characters and think "wow they're ugly" or "wow they're hot."


1. Sexual depravity? Give me a break. Is wanting aspects of a game to look nicer a sign of sexual depravity? No, it's a sign of not being satisfied with the aesthetics of a game. Who here liked the underwear of Oblivion? I, for one, didn't, and I preferred to use more, ahem, shapely models. While I do not get off to my games, I don't see the harm in someone doing so, if they choose to.

2. Gender confusion? I've played characters that are not of my gender, as have many people. That doesn't mean we're gender confused. How can you reach that conclusion based on our choices in a game? The objective of a game is to have fun. The objective is not to reflect reality. If fun involves playing as a female, then as far as I'm concerned, so be it. In these games it's mainly an aesthetic choice anyway.

3. Well, if someone wants to do that, I see no problem with it. As with 1, I think it's an aesthetic issue. Personally, I don't much care, but I do like to have characters that don't look as unattractive as many real life people are. The game is not, however, reality, and it is changeable. If it can be changed, and if it is singleplayer, then what is the harm in someone else changing it?

Edited by spork542
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I don't think these mods say anything about this nexus site... which is what your horribly misleading thread title states as the focus of this "discussion." What you're talking about isn't role-playing either, I don't know what exactly you're talking about. There are thousands of mods, why apply a meaning to an entire community based on one category of mod. This thread says more about you (the OP) than mods say about this site.
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I'll say no because I just don't care what others do with their game and cosmetics. If they want to play the game with scantily-clad characters, or even nude characters, I won't tell them that's wrong. I honestly don't see what harm their presence does. Some people like tuna fish. I don't. Does that mean I can tell them tuna fish is bad? Not particularly. If it's a crime to like things like nude mods, it's pretty much certainly a victimless crime, similar to liking tuna fish. As for the point about male mods being harder to find, that may be true, though I haven't noticed it. I don't mod the appearances of male characters in my game, I think they look fine. Personally, I'm a straight male, and so I pay more attention to making female characters not look completely hideous. It's just more noticeable to me because I don't look at male characters and think "wow they're ugly" or "wow they're hot."


1. Sexual depravity? Give me a break. Is wanting aspects of a game to look nicer a sign of sexual depravity? No, it's a sign of not being satisfied with the aesthetics of a game. Who here liked the underwear of Oblivion? I, for one, didn't, and I preferred to use more, ahem, shapely models. While I do not get off to my games, I don't see the harm in someone doing so, if they choose to.

2. Gender confusion? I've played characters that are not of my gender, as have many people. That doesn't mean we're gender confused. How can you reach that conclusion based on our choices in a game? The objective of a game is to have fun. The objective is not to reflect reality. If fun involves playing as a female, then as far as I'm concerned, so be it. In these games it's mainly an aesthetic choice anyway.

3. Well, if someone wants to do that, I see no problem with it. As with 1, I think it's an aesthetic issue. Personally, I don't much care, but I do like to have characters that don't look as unattractive as many real life people are. The game is not, however, reality, and it is changeable. If it can be changed, and if it is singleplayer, then what is the harm in someone else changing it?


Your explanation is why at the VERY beginning I tried to make it seem like what he was saying is extremely silly and he's reading into it a bit too much

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I don't think these mods say anything about this nexus site... which is what your horribly misleading thread title states as the focus of this "discussion." What you're talking about isn't role-playing either, I don't know what exactly you're talking about. There are thousands of mods, why apply a meaning to an entire community based on one category of mod. This thread says more about you (the OP) than mods say about this site.


Quoted for truth. That sums things up very well.

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You were also rebuked earlier. Most cosmetic mods aren't adult ones.


You idiot, did you forget why you started this thread? Because of the cosmetic mods referring to any sort graphical enhancement to females to make them more appealing are everywhere on Nexus thus you began questioning the intentions of the creation of the mods.


Fortunately, his first post is still there for all to see. It is clear he was referring to adult mods with his reference to masturbation.


Those were DIRECTLY in attack to the nude mods. Do not avoid the cosmetic mods, because you know they are indefensible.


In a game that begins with a beheading, I think cosmetics is a non-issue.


I get it; you just want to kill stuff. You prefer mods that give you more weapons, armor, blood, and to play at more violence. You want that awesome looking sword. You only get off on seeing more blood.


I'm not anti-violence. The real world is a violent one. I understand why cats play fight in order to play out scenarios for real fighting. What I don't get is why a game focused on violence is perfectly fine, however, introduce some make-up on women or (Talos forbid!) boobies and suddenly the sexually oppressed puritans of today cry for more blood.

Edited by thesapien
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