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Thalmor HQ?


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I think its related to the Missing in Action quest that's bugged. If you choose a diplomatic solution, you can talk to General Tullius and all he says is that would cause a problem to the Thalmor. Obviously, you need to go to the embassy to request the release of the prisoner, that's quite obvious. But there's no one there. The Thalmor guard at the prison just keeps saying you need an Imperial/Thalmor permission to get the prisoner released.


I read, if you are imperial aligned, you can try to bluff your way through by wearing the imperial officer's uniform. I didn't bother though since killing the Thalmor is far more satisfying for me.


edit: Make that legionaire armor.





False...Went there three times, wearing different imperial armor (light, heavy and penticus oculatus armor), plus I'm a wood elf and legate of the legion, and still no go.

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fwiw, it's THE perfect place to hit if you get a "disruption job" or whatever it's called (where you have to steal 500 gold worth of items) in Solitude from Mallory in the Thieve's Guild. Can actually feel good about being a thief by hitting up Thalmor HQ.


Edit: Please please please let's not turn this into another dreary Stormcloaks v. Empire thread. There's already enough space devoted to that argument.

Edited by kevkiev
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