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(Request) Build menu redone


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Hey there,


as this game and the menus were made originally for console users in the first place the menus are more a burden for PC gamers when it comes to create a settlement from scratch after sweeping the whole place with Scrap Everything.

While I'm using some (ok ok...plenty) mods which adds stuff to build and also decorations it is quite time consuming to navigate through the menus...also because I do sometimes forget in which categorie the one or another item was.


While it would be difficult to help me the latter it would be a very cool and helpful addition if someone is able to create a PC friendly build menu were you can expand the menu to the whole screen and also make the items clickable to choose em.

As I did not have seen such attempt yet I fear it is hardcoded and noone can do something about it.

At least I tested my luck here and hopefully somone can "fix" this menu for proper using. :-)


Best regards and thanks for reading!

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