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Real Aspen Trees request


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I don't think the Xbox One can even handle 2K textures or the increased LOD resolution that mod has. Just saying. Also, you're better off either leaving a comment on the mod or going to Bethesda.net to ask for console ports. The mod author is more likely to see it that way, and as for console related stuff in general this isn't the best site for that kind of thing. It is still a PC oriented website. Graphics related stuff is likely not going to make the transition to console due to how demanding they are to the system resources. SMIM for instance needed to be toned down quite a bit to run properly on consoles due to the fact it does require a bit more in way of system resources. I would focus on content related mods like armor, weapons and quests if I were you. It's easily provides the most benefit when it comes to modding - especially with the 4GB limit on mods for Xbox users.

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