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Army Of Two


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while you at it mount on it on you car!


anyway back on topic: how many people own army of two cos i might buy it


Col John Sheppard

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I was playing it on Holiday, and beat it on medium (cant remember the name :P) with my brother, downloaded the free map pack and, uh, got bored.


I found that the firing was far far to accurate. I could get a clean headshot blindfiring from across the map, because the blindfiring was pretty much the same accuracy as not blindfiring.

And sure, step jumps and the like are novelties, until you get caught on top of one without pulling your buddy up and the two of you are sittign there, waiting for the one on top to bleed to death.


And the characters were highly stereotypical, especially the Irag boss, who picked up a mini-gun and screamed "For Saddam".


Damn, I have a lot of rants about Army of Two, but I will admit its not a bad game. Live isn't much good, but splitscreen co-op is nice.

single player isn't as bad as people claim. hell, I quite liked my partner. When I picked up a riot shield in splitscreen, my brother got out his mini-gun and killed everyone while I sat there waiting for him to hurry up and get behind my cover. When I picked it up on single, the good little AI man came up like a little servant and sat there covering me while I happily harvested the shielf melee kills for my achievement

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I've completed the game within three days of large on/off type of playing with my brother. Its good, quite funny. Think Gears of War co-op but less gritty in terms of graphics, IMO, its much better with family/friend. hence "two" in the game title.


I've haven't tried the mutliplayer yet as its a little awkard to start a game and I've waited ages for people to come in (acounts wise you need a guest account). There's also a two free maps available on Xbox Live for an alternate ending.


Most of the later guns in the game could do with some more upgrades, I don't know what you can stick on a minigun to make it better, but I'd buy it! :D


This game gets you to cooperate with your partner, you can't do this game with a friend without that teamwork. A good mix in gun setups is good, so I used the minigun, rocket launcher and machine gun as a secondary weapon (you have three types), whilst my brother used a machine gun (primary), uzi (secondary) and a sniper rifle (third weapon).


I was damage, he was accuracy.

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