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SSE: Issues with spazzy character head


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Edit: Naturally, figured it out as soon as I posted this.

Forgot to delete the facegendata after removing Realistic Teeth. Fixed.



So, I downloaded some teeth mods, specifically HD Teeth, and Smile in HD. Neither of which download meshes, or use an esp (or rather, I didn't load the esp if there was one). I check the zip contents before installing ANY mod. Unfortunately, I don't use any mod manager. NMM broke my game three times before, and MO simply won't work.

I removed the teeth textures, which just made the spazz blue (no textures), and I've completely removed the character assets folder. Yet it still prevails.


I'm amazed I've run into this issue after installing a small texture.

I'm about to do a test save, remove all contents of the folder, one by one. But would like to know if anyone else has run into this issue, and how would you fix it? It also only does this each time someone speaks, so it obviously has SOMETHING to do with the mouth. I did have Realistic Teeth installed prior, with no issues, It conflicted with NPC mods, however. I tried just keeping the meshes, but that doesn't fix it.

This affects ALL NPCs, except those [at least] covered by Bijin AIO (all)


Edited by Gearhog
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