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How do you insert the whole body inside armor?


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You'll have to swap the partial body mesh for a full body mesh in Nifskope (you could probably do it in 3DS, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work to well) ...

Open the Armor you want to alter in Nifskope

Go to file --> New Window

Load a full body mesh in that window

Click on the "0" for the mesh --> in the bottom of the screen there should be a name depending on the body mesh you loaded (might be "scene_Root" or BBE_Slim_Body" or "Torso_0" or some such

To the left of this text will be a little "txt" icon, click on that and select the text and copy it


Now you need to rename the root mesh of the Armor to allow the copy and paste to work

Go back to your loaded armor mesh, now do the same as before, click on the "0" ("Nord_Plate" Blades_Male" "Torso_0" whatever it's called)

Click the "txt" again and this time in the popup window paste in the name from the body mesh and hit enter or click ok


Back in your body mesh window click the little arrow next to the "0" and there should be 1 oe several (depending if it's a 'nude' mesh or not) a NiTriShape with a name like "**female_body***" or some such


Highlight and press CTRL + C to copy that branch


Back to your Armor

Click the "0" again and press CTRL + V to paste that NiTriShape into your armor


After a second or so, you the list should expand with your new body highlighted


It's now safe to right click on the partial body "NiTriShape" (the one that's just ankles, wrists, and neck normally) and select "Block --> Remove Branch"


Once that's done you may need to mess around with the co-ordinates of the new body mesh to make it line up properly with the armor

Right Click the NiTriShape and click on "Transform --> Edit" ... This will bring up the co-ordinates sliders/setting where you can mess around with x,y,z , and stuff to line things up


Lastly, I'm not sure how important this is, but I've had some meshes that look fine in Nifskope (all textures visible) but in Skyrim the skin texture is invisible

If this happens I've found that opening the NiTriShape for the body then click on the NiTriShapeData section and in the bottom window check the following lines


Has Normals - Should say yes, if it says 'no' double click on the line and it will change to yes

Has Vertex Colours - Should say yes, if it says 'no' double click on the line and it will change to yes


Then resave your file and try again in game ...


Hope that helps some ... It's probably the worst and slowest way to do this sort of thing, but it works OK for me (ahh ... for the past umm ... 3.26 hours, since I figured it out that is) so unless a better expert comes along ...


I tried to follow this but didn't get very far. Can you please post step-by-step screens of these instructions?

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