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Super Squees! My first fully custom sword.


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It took me about three days to get everything right, findout how to fix all the bugs I made, as well as trial and error. But I finally made my very first sword.









What it is. Is a fractured spirit skull. With the blade coming out of its mouth (which forms the handguard). With skeletal fingers along the blade. Which holds in the Necromatic energies.


I'm thinking of making a bow for Elven Skeletons. Orc Skeletons will give a War Hammer. Khajit will give a Cross Bow. But I don't know what to do for Argonians ... Since the only thing I can think of for them is that they heal real well and can breath underwater. Doesn't really inspire any weapons, so I'm open to suggestions.


Oh! And what do y'all think so far? I mean it's not as awesome as when it's in action (where it just looks all sorts of epic as you slice into peeps with the forces of death (forged from the sacrified body and soul of the innocent).

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from these pictures it looks meh with promise. buuut i can help fix that by providing picture tips!


1) go to Markarths keep, and find the area with the wizard dude. pic for reference: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/415810/?

the lighting is quite good here for images. also multiple areas in the cell to use with various light sources.


2) read this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=134522361


3) take pics like a boss that truly show off your sword!


4) upload pics here like a boss!


5) proceed to continue squeeing like an assistant!


[optional] 6) share the file for others to squee like assistants over


7) make newer and BETTER THINGS! (no offense intended, experience leads to better things)


8) become great new weapon modder like a boss!

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Edit: For some reason my post only showed the coc location. Before derping.


But yeah, I'd be happy to share the file when the Armor+Weapons are done. But atm, it's only a WIP_Test Mod that I'm using for testing and seeing how this part of the finished mod will look. Which themselves will be part of the mod I'm making for Skyrim SE.

Edited by TheGreatEater
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Right now I'm remeshing Skeletons to make one for Elves (Crafting material for the Necromancer Bows), Orcs (crafting material for Necromancer War Axe), Khajit (for the Necromancer Crossbows), and Argonians ... What item do you think would work well for them? Or should I make their skeletons be used for a shield / bound heavy armor?


And I'm glad that turned out better. When I get finished with the Necromancer Upgrade part of the Overhaul I'm making. I'll load it up on Nexus, and post a link here for everyone to have fun with it ^_^.

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i think a shield would be good. sadly i think their weapon would be a spear but those arent in the game.



IDE~A!! I was thinking of making polearms. So I could make a spear, and do that. That would actually look rather BAMF (and I'm giving you credit once I put out that mod.)


oh cool. i really miss spears in these games they were great.

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