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Want to export certain data to a file (using PapyrusUtils) but need help getting Form/Object Ids


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I have a playerhome with mannequins everywhere. Thanks to some CK f*#@ery, the construction is broken. I can't seem to fix it, and the save game is bloated as f*** anyhow. So I figured I'd write an exporter using one of the several tools out there, rebuild the home, start a brand new save, then import the data.


Using PapyrusUtil, I have written a construct that looks at the item undercursor. It reads the target item id, and it's gear id's.


My construct can read all of that, but it's not storing the skyrim ref/obj/form id... what it's writing is probably the object (as in OOP object) id.

"float" :
"[aasluckmannhuman < (ff000ce9)>]" : 94.622,
"x pos" : -492.02,
"y pos" : 443.97,
"z ang" : 94.622,
"z pos" : 74.003
"form" :
"[aasluckmannhuman < (ff000ce9)>]" : "3430|CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp",
"crimson twilight armor" : "3429|CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp", << SUPPOSED TO BE "name": "id"
"crimson twilight boots" : "3430|CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp",
"crimsontwilight gauntlet" : "3431|CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp",
"id" : "3305|62.FF" << Supposed to be the ID of the mannequin

Bottom line is that I don't want to redo these mannequins or I need to somehow fix the broken cells. (load the game, there's all mannequins but no walls. COC to the cell i need and I get all walls and no mannequins, and am unable to return to the original cell or find it in CK.)


So as a solution, I thought this export the mannequin data as it kills a bunch of birds with one stone (including savegame bloat).


To put it in concrete terms, the question is how do I get either the formid or the objectid of the thing that i'm looking at in game via papyrus? Because the getformid() return is useless.


If there's possibly a better/different/easier way, I'd be happy to hear it. But if not, I'd like to get the proper info to write to the file.

Edited by monsto
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this doesn't look like papyrus to me, but I could be wrong. are you using jcontainers?

Also said, what I posted was the output.


It's an illustration of the data I'm getting which is neither the dynamic objectid, nor the permanent formid.


To put it in concrete terms, the question is how do I get either the formid or the objectid of the thing that i'm looking at in game via papyrus? Because the getformid() return is useless.

Edited by monsto
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