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Skyrim 1V1 Lan Mod with future coop announcement and suggestions threa


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First off, if this is the wrong section to be posting this, i'm sorry I couldn't find mod announcements or help. I'm working on and announcing a 1v1 lan mod for skyrim and later a 2-3player lan coop. I'm facing several problems during development and need some ideas on how we can make this as fun and challenging as possible.




The largest problems I'm facing:


- Spells and Abilities are way to OP. I was dueling my wife's 80 Redguard Archer with my 80 Spellsword Breton as a test and basically the first player to get a shot off wins because any mele or ranged attack will one shot another player on master difficulty. The health is going to have to either be severely buffed or weapons and enchantments and sneak damage are going to have to be nerfed. Invisibility is going for now until I can figure out a way to nerf it for a pvp situation and fun pve.


-Monsters and npc's are way to weak on master difficulty for high end characters.


Again with the one shots, you can one shot any dragon anywhere in the game on master difficulty because of crafting being unbalanced. Potions can go up to 200% with 100% alchemy increase and it isn't difficult to get 350-400% increased smithing and enchantments. For coop to be possible things are going to have to be done about this.


- Spell resistance is to OP


100% spell resistance isn't hard to get we had this problem in oblivion and morrowind as well. Many players were stacking to 100% spell/70-80% normal weapon resistance and basically being invulnerable. In order to make coop work with skyrim those are going to have to be either removed, more difficult to get, or be race only attributes.




Those are the largest problems i'm facing right now. So, basically I was wondering what opinions various communities have for fixing these issues and making CoOP and 1v1 lan battles in skyrim not only possible, but fun for everyone. I'm also taking requests at what you would want done in this mod it's alive and kicking and won't be going dead anytime soon. We can expect a playable beta by mid next month.

Edited by neostarwcc
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Good luck with your efforts! There are 3 other multiplayer projects that are going/failing, you might want to research them a bit.

It is also my professional opinion that Skyrim is not suitable for multiplayer, and especially for pvp.

But, I wish you success in your project!:smile:

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Health buffs.


The rate of progression stays pretty steady through the types of damage. The health does not rise at the same rate as the damage does.. and with that said.. it is like that because of the enemies and the less dynamic system they switched over to. Attack health and enemy stats to fix the balancing issues, in reality Bethesda should have done this crap.. but they didn't. Though I do recall hearing somewhere they designed the game to be played to level 50 something.. I might be thinking of diablo 3 though.

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sorry for the late reply, I am aware that there are some multiplayer projects going on currently, I however do not see them ever being finished which is why I just didn't go join their projects.


The reason I believe mine will finish is because:


I'm only setting up 1v1 lan and eventually progressing into 2 or 3 players vs the couple hundred via tcip they're trying to do. They're trying to make an mmorpg and you have to learn to crawl before you can walk. It's a large project instead of making small ones and working your way up. Skyrim won't be dead for a long time and people still are playing and making mods for morrowind/oblivion. So if a mmo project takes 5-7 years to accomplish people will still play and enjoy the mod for years to come. Skyrim has breathtaking graphics so those who play games for graphics will still love the game 10 years in the future. I'm not saying a mmo isn't possible it's just a lot of work for a team of 5-6 to accomplish. If they finish, kudos to them and we'll all enjoy a mmo experience in skyrim but it's unlikely.



As for the second post, I realize that you don't HAVE to just because it exists but for this to be fun between two friends things need to be nerfed and added. Even simple perks like dagger 15x is to OP and will get boring in a 1v1 pvp situation. I have to make this as fun as possible and one shoting your friends just isn't fun.




As for the third post, the lead of bethesda said that the cap was level 70 and that they didn't expect players to want to play their characters past level 50 so you're correct in that statement. . However, maxing every skill it's possible to get to level 80 or beyond (81-82ish). I agree that bethesda should have done leveling a little differently and not made enchantments and crafting so overpowered against current master mob difficulty. But they didn't expect people to mod pvp systems i'm sure, and those who wanted to make harder encounters would have just modded them anyway like modders are doing today.

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Disable all perks, skills, and any damage modifiers, turn off all mods, potions are vanilla even if they make higher ones. Basically, a situation where it's a tooth and nail fight.


Or, you can make it so they have to use the vanilla weapons/armor/potions and not their own? No enchants, just a plain vanilla weapon and armor. No upgrades.

Increase all monster difficulty. Scaled-level monsters.


Either way, I'll be using this when it comes out.


Now, I'm a stupid idiot so I don't know much, just wanted to share opinion.

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Even simple perks like dagger 15x is to OP and will get boring in a 1v1 pvp situation. I have to make this as fun as possible and one shoting your friends just isn't fun.


That's assuming you have even found a way for stealth to work in multiplayer, which it doesn't. Releasing a mod which adds real non-pc stealth to the game would be a pretty big deal in it's self.

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I rate you should buff the health.

For PvP give the characters a small health boost every level, then they can give their character another boost in health, mana or stamina.

As for PvE i rate a similar thing.


i may not have understood the problem properly, so please correct me if i missed a thing. i really hope you get this working:)

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The game isn't balanced for PvP and doesn't really have mechanics suitable for being balanced towards PvP, as far as I'm concerned. I would concentrate on getting the multiplayer somewhat working and then move on to the process of balancing, as balancing in and of itself to allow for PvP might require the same amount of hacking.
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