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Solitude Defensive Overhaul


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I was watching a video on this YouTube channel called Shadiversity, examining the castle defenses of Solitude. Overall, Solitude is a highly defensible castle, but there are still quite a few issues that could be fixed by someone with modding skills... Unfortunately, that person is not me.

To start off, the arch that Solitude sits on is incredibly unrealistic, because it isn't really an arch at all. Stone arches from, and stay up, due to the compressive strength of stone. However, under TENSION, (material being pulled apart) stone loses its strength. So, in order to fix this, Solitude's arch should be edited into more of an arch shape, so that the stone would be held up by compressive forces.

Then, there's the outermost wall. Right above the gate, there's this ridiculous though ornate piece of extra stone wall where there ought to be battlements, so that archers atop the wall could fire arrows at enemies trying to breach the gate. Also, it would be ideal for there to be a secondary gate, so that after the first gate is breached, the enemy gets trapped between them, and, with a murder hole going down from the top of the wall, arrows could be shot down at the enemy still trying to breach the second gate.

Finally, the walls need to have battlements. As they are, there is no kind of cover for archers, and nothing to keep defenders from falling off the walls and to their deaths. This is a huge problem, and one that desperately needs to be addressed.

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I've watched that Video too, it was nice. I too am not that experienced with editing cells and worldspaces, but I'm sure that some of the bigger City Overhauls corrects some of the issues. For example, JK's Solitude adds lots of gates and clutter. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58055/?
and I think there is a complete package of JK's city mods there too. It all really depends on if you can run it XD. Again, this is not the only overhaul, there are quite a few complete city overhauls, go search up some.

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  • 8 months later...

I've watched that Video too, it was nice. I too am not that experienced with editing cells and worldspaces, but I'm sure that some of the bigger City Overhauls corrects some of the issues. For example, JK's Solitude adds lots of gates and clutter. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58055/?

and I think there is a complete package of JK's city mods there too. It all really depends on if you can run it XD. Again, this is not the only overhaul, there are quite a few complete city overhauls, go search up some.


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