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Child Class Expansions


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I have a mod that lets me play as a child. This is funny, and I enjoy it. However, the only clothing/armor that actually shows up on a child character is children's clothes. Thus, my characters appear to be running around naked, Now I am aware that this is a potentially large project, well not potentially, it is a large project, but I would like to see armors written to show on children. Getting every armor ported to childrens' proportions would take a long time, obviously. If There are no takers on this mod, I would completely understand. It is a huge undertaking. I am just hoping it will be much easier when the CK is released. If nobody else will take this up, I will personally learn how just to do it, it seems like that good of an idea to me. In fact, if anyone would like to teach me, I would appreciate that just as much as if someone wanted to do it themselves. :D


EDIT: Nvm, seems its already being done. Would still appreciate a modding tutor though :P

Edited by Urahara72
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