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OK I am a little ticked off now


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So without reciting my rig for the umpteenth time, I will state that I recently bought and downloaded BF3, and I can get at most 155FPS with the game maxed. At the minimum 120. This is with vsync off of course. Now as for skyrim. With crossfire off I can get a stable 35-40fps. With it on I can hardly reach 35fps. And worse, the game is riddled with graphical glitches. Just to answer one question, I have two 6950's so yes I am on AMD drivers 12.1.


My only point is this, what gives Bethesda? How come I can get such fantastic performance out of such a graphically intensive game but not skyrim? Yes there is littler comparison between a corridor shooter and an open world FPS, but the thing is...There isn't really much question that the difference in required power for skyrim and BF3 is night and day. Skyrim is well, lets face it...Its a retextured oblivion. Which admittedly is not a bad thing, Oblivion was great but I mean c'mon. 35 FPS with crossfire on? You have to be kidding me Bethesda. I was not one of the people to jump on the bandwagon when skyrim came out and immediately criticize its flaws. But now that I have played BF3 and seen what my computer is actually capable of and skyrim fails to deliver, its very disheartening.


Anyone else agree? Disagree? Hope for better drivers soon? Heard anything from AMD on this issue?

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Its got such bad performance because good GPU setups (including SLI/Crossfire) need to backprocess(? I cant remember what its called but you can get what im trying to say yeah?). They are performing more than the game can display at a time.

The sign of a bad port.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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My 6970m crossfire have the same problems as you. I am using the 12.1 preview drivers + a cap (can't remember which one, may have been 11.12). I get menu flickering, reflection flickering and am annoyed. I can get 200+ fps easy on source games and play Crysis no problem on ultra (never lag) but Skyrim a problem :laugh: . I am going to give it a few months as there is nothing we can do about it. Pre patch 1.1 it was all good and perfect, but now its more broken than it ever was. It is extremely frustrating, but on the bright side you can play some of those game you may have purchased before Skyrim and forgot about :happy: . Crossfire off also increases my performance, but I don't like turning a card off. Its always a sad day when one has to do it :P . Just give it some time and we will be able to play on ultra again. I mean, AMD just fixed the problems with the game rage, and Skyrim has only been broken for about a month. Only two months of waiting time to go, WOO! :dance:
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Hey anyone getting the bad Mountain clipping issue in the distance, duh its nearly unplayable at times with it in open fields.Skyrim of course.

And v,sync s locked at 60fps don't you know :smile:

Edited by Thor.
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Everything looks bad at far distances :tongue: . Have you noticed that the waterfalls are static when they are out of your detail render distance. I know that Skyrim forces v.sync for timescale reasons, but both of us are not getting a solid 60fps. I never was stuttering during patch 1.0 with the ati fix.
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Yes i have noticed that at times, but i can live with that. though the clipping in the Mountains in Whiterun and outside the city gates i can not :verymad:


i had patience and i still do, but thats just getting out oof hand.


Stupid forced release date, Oh yea lets release it even though it still needs fine tuning and more beta testing.

Edited by Thor.
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Its very frustrating. I dislike leaving Whiterun because of how ugly the grasslands/mountain ranges look from a distance. I suppose these are the problems when a game is brought from console to PC instead of a PC game brought to console. FEAR and FEAR2 were like that. I loved the first one, but the second one didn't even come close. I got frustrated with all the cool features they removed and I can not get into it. The first one is also like 2-3 years older yet all mechanics are better, graphics are about the same and the second one is smaller in file size oddly enough :tongue: . Games should always be made and optimized on PC than brought to consoles, but that isn't where the money is. I also can't stand that the DLC's are to be delayed a month or so on all platforms besides the xbox. Its bad enough we have to pay for them on PC (most valve ones are free), but a delayed release date because Microsoft says so is absurd.
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Skyrim needs more than beta testing... I feel like, well at this point I feel like the game is a very finished alpha. Oh well, I guess I won't play skyrim for a while. When New Vegas came out I had to wait about a year for the game to be playable. But that isn't bethesda. I believe this is just the gamebryo engine being unruly. A shame then that the creation engine is just a disguised gamebryo. For shame Todd. for shame.
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I've just removed my Sapphire 6990 from my rig as it was chuggin away at 30 to 40 fps (on ultra with quite a few texture mods and 1920x1080 resolution), I installed my old Asus Matrix 5870 2gig and the result ?


A solid 60 fps everywhere apart from the odd glitchy places with all the same settings and mods.



Which leads me to the conclusion that AMD still suck hard at crossfire profiles and drivers in general.



Gonna head for camp green for my next card upgrade I think.






Also I have to add that I expected a better game from Beth, it feels unpolished and slung together and forced broken updates certainly don't help.



However it will serve as a platform for the modders to build upon and its those talented people that will save the game (again).

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