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Could i have some help please


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Hello, I am still kinda new to getting my mods balanced out, and seem to be having a problem getting my models to show she body slider changes, i've included my load list, can someone help me, i want my toons to actually have curves!!




~Frustrated Kitty Gamer ~



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You need to run LOOT to sort your mods. Remove Unofficial Skyrim Patch and install USLEP, it covers all DLC (except high res textures which has its own unofficial bug fix) and fixes other bugs. It will be placed below your masters.


Using the directions in LOOT and this sticky https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4591610-guide-skyrim-manually-cleaning-master-files/, you need to clean your master files.


I am recovering from a head cold so my mind is more useless than normal. I am missing something obvious and will return when I can actually think.

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