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trouble at Bravil mage guild recommendation


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I'm about to finish the mage guild recommention but Ka-Ei give a task that I cant do. here what he say: and when you ask for a Recommendation, Kud-Ei will grab the chance and use you to get one of her girls out of trouble: "I'm afraid I haven't had time to prepare anything conventional. I'm very preoccupied with this situation concerning Ardaline. Perhaps you can help with that, however. I can't directly get involved, for fear of embarrassing the poor girl. I'll need you to have a little chat with Varon Vamori, and you can learn something about the power of Illusion in the process." I did spoke with Varon Vamori and he doesnt give me any hint except saying "I didnt hit the poor girl, didnt mean any trouble" and thats it, I tried to talk to Ardaline but no result, anyone have a suggestion?



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Here's another of my UESP Wiki quotes ...

Varon is either in the guild, at home (north of the guild hall), in the chapel or in Silverhome on the Water. Confront him about Ardaline; he'll readily admit anything as long as his disposition towards you is at least 65.
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Here's another of my UESP Wiki quotes ...

Varon is either in the guild, at home (north of the guild hall), in the chapel or in Silverhome on the Water. Confront him about Ardaline; he'll readily admit anything as long as his disposition towards you is at least 65.


my disposition is higher than that with him and he wont reveal anything major, I will get in the game again and try for third time to persuade him, I did read the uesp wiki and see what he have to say again, I will be back here to awnser you.

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I'm a little foggy, because it was so long ago I did that quest, but I do know I was having similar trouble getting him to give the right answers. If your disposition with him is above 65 try waiting until he's either actually in the chapel or Silverhome on the Water before speaking to him. It was either that or the problem that they mention in the Wiki when you're doing the Through a Nightmare Darkly quest at the same time. It could be I had to complete Through a Nightmare first, and then complete this quest. The other problem that can arise with Kud-Ei (as well as some other quest givers) is that there are more dialogue subjects than can fit between the arrows in the dialogue menu, so you need to scroll down to see the one you're after.
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I just tried again and my dispositon was 77 after bribing him, same awnser. I will try as you said in the chapel or the other place you mentioned(cant remember now after replying.


I will read again the uspi niki.


I will post another msg later.



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I'm about to finish the mage guild recommention but Ka-Ei give a task that I cant do. here what he say: and when you ask for a Recommendation, Kud-Ei will grab the chance and use you to get one of her girls out of trouble: "I'm afraid I haven't had time to prepare anything conventional. I'm very preoccupied with this situation concerning Ardaline. Perhaps you can help with that, however. I can't directly get involved, for fear of embarrassing the poor girl. I'll need you to have a little chat with Varon Vamori, and you can learn something about the power of Illusion in the process." I did spoke with Varon Vamori and he doesnt give me any hint except saying "I didnt hit the poor girl, didnt mean any trouble" and thats it, I tried to talk to Ardaline but no result, anyone have a suggestion?




My friend, if you speak to Kud-Ei again, she'll give you some scrolls to Charm people. You can cast one on Varon before talking to him again. Bribing option is also open. The scroll/scrolls Kud-Ei gives are named 'Beguile', if I'm not mistaken. Once Varon's disposition goes up considerably, he'll confess what he has done. All the best... :)

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The other quest that Kud-Ei can give you isn't a Mages Guild quest, it's more a personal favour you do for her. The quest is called Through a Nightmare Darkly. If you haven't already started it don't start it now (check your journal to see if it's listed as one of your active quests). It has conflicts with the Bravil Recommendation quest when you try to do both at the same time.


If it is active in your journal already try to finish Through a Nightmare Darkly before you try to finish the Mages Guild recommendation quest.

Edited by Striker879
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The other quest that Kud-Ei can give you isn't a Mages Guild quest, it's more a personal favour you do for her. The quest is called Through a Nightmare Darkly. If you haven't already started it don't start it now (check your journal to see if it's listed as one of your active quests). It has conflicts with the Bravil Recommendation quest when you try to do both at the same time.


If it is active in your journal already try to finish Through a Nightmare Darkly before you try to finish the Mages Guild recommendation quest.


He didnt give that quest Through a Nightmare Darkly but I finally resolved the mage guild quest of returning the staff, scrolling down with the arrows works :)

now I must be sure all recommendations have been sent. Rennn did it for me about the Lewallyn mage quest about Dagail quest not working. Now its only travelling trough all cities if I've really done all quests., Id like to ask you about something, do you have mods? if so which ones have you picked because I went to the top 100 and I think its cheating a bit, like making your major skills to 200 and so on, Id like your opinion on that because I dont like cheat.

Edited by eregor2
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