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trouble at Bravil mage guild recommendation


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In this game it's only cheating if you consider it cheating. If having very high health or a really powerful sword would take away from your enjoyment of the game then don't use those mods. Not all mods do a good job of telling you what changes they make to gameplay or lists the stats for weapons or armor. I usually read through the mod comments for a mod before I download and install it (even if it has a good complete mod description ... I also want to know beforehand what kinds of problems other people have had with it). There are plenty of people who do want stuff to make the game really easy, and you'll usually get a good idea about what the mod is all about by reading the comments.


I myself am a pretty vanilla old fart. I have some skimpy armors and BBB (along with animations etc. to take advantage of BBB). I have some nice homes to go along with the vanilla homes you can buy. And I have Companion Vilja and Packdonkeys, two great additions to the game. With my new low level character the packdonkey was my second major purchase in the game, right after the Imperial City waterfront shack. I'll wait until I'm done the main quest and Dark Brotherhood quests before I go and pick up Vilja. My favourite home is Aleswell Cottage (you need to do the Zero Visibilty quest before you can buy the cottage). Companion Vilja, Packdonkeys and Aleswell Cottage are all done by the same modder (Emma) so there are special interactions you can have when they are used together (well at least for the Aleswell Cottage and Vilja ... the packdonkeys have the same fun habit with everyone ... stealing carrots). Emma and her team make quality mods and their support for them is second to none.


I don't use any of the big overhaul mods (FCOM, OOO etc.) because I find playing the game in it's vanilla form enjoyable. Sure there are limitations, like with the leveling system for example. That's part of what makes the game enjoyable for me ... learning ways to work with those limitations or work around them. The other thing that keeps me away from them is I want the Oblivion game to be like Oblivion, not some other game I played in the past (or didn't play in the past). But then again, I'm not like a lot of people, so there's a place for those mods.


It takes a bit more work, but do your research and be true to yourself. Oh ... and learn from your mistakes. They are your most valuable resource.

Edited by Striker879
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In this game it's only cheating if you consider it cheating. If having very high health or a really powerful sword would take away from your enjoyment of the game then don't use those mods. Not all mods do a good job of telling you what changes they make to gameplay or lists the stats for weapons or armor. I usually read through the mod comments for a mod before I download and install it (even if it has a good complete mod description ... I also want to know beforehand what kinds of problems other people have had with it). There are plenty of people who do want stuff to make the game really easy, and you'll usually get a good idea about what the mod is all about by reading the comments.


I myself am a pretty vanilla old fart. I have some skimpy armors and BBB (along with animations etc. to take advantage of BBB). I have some nice homes to go along with the vanilla homes you can buy. And I have Companion Vilja and Packdonkeys, two great additions to the game. With my new low level character the packdonkey was my second major purchase in the game, right after the Imperial City waterfront shack. I'll wait until I'm done the main quest and Dark Brotherhood quests before I go and pick up Vilja. My favourite home is Aleswell Cottage (you need to do the Zero Visibilty quest before you can buy the cottage). Companion Vilja, Packdonkeys and Aleswell Cottage are all done by the same modder (Emma) so there are special interactions you can have when they are used together (well at least for the Aleswell Cottage and Vilja ... the packdonkeys have the same fun habit with everyone ... stealing carrots). Emma and her team make quality mods and their support for them is second to none.


I don't use any of the big overhaul mods (FCOM, OOO etc.) because I find playing the game in it's vanilla form enjoyable. Sure there are limitations, like with the leveling system for example. That's part of what makes the game enjoyable for me ... learning ways to work with those limitations or work around them. The other thing that keeps me away from them is I want the Oblivion game to be like Oblivion, not some other game I played in the past (or didn't play in the past). But then again, I'm not like a lot of people, so there's a place for those mods.


It takes a bit more work, but do your research and be true to yourself. Oh ... and learn from your mistakes. They are your most valuable resource.



thanks, I think I will continue to play Oblivion vanilla but will take a look at the 3 mods you said they were good. I finished the recommendations and I'm in the middle of the arch mage polus(?) quests have given me, the pillar quest.

Edited by eregor2
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  • 5 years later...

I'm having a somewhat different problem with getting the Bravil mages' guild recommendation. When I approach Kud-Ei, all she'll talk about is Henentier. She doesn't present an opportunity to learn about the recommendation. Now, it's true that, a little bit ago, I opened the Henentier topic, but does that mean I can't get her recommendation until I finish the quest for Henentier? I fervently hope not, because I am quite certainly not ready for that one.

I'd greatly appreciate any help at all, that anybody could give me.

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The Unofficial Oblivion Patch is supposed to fix the problem, but adding the UOP after the problem has started may not help (don't know for certain).

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Thanks, Striker. But I believe I have all the patches (official and otherwise) installed, and did before I started this particular game. You might well be right, that that's my problem, but.....Well, thank you, Sir, anyway

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Another common problem is just not noticing that there are more topics farther down the list ... i.e. maybe you just need to scroll down.

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Thanks, again, for the help, but...I'm pretty sure I've looked at all the topics available. It's been driving me crazy for days; I keep going back (and yes, I understand that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, but...I never asserted that I'm sane). Is this a recognized glitch, not being able to get the Bravil recommendation, once one has opened the Henentier topic?


May I please presume on your good nature for one other question. I've been trying to get to Boethia's shrine - yes, again and again, just like with Kud-Ei - but I'm just not able to climb those hills! I've tried coming at it from pretty much every angle, I can *see* thing thing on my compass, but...can't *get to it*, Is there a particular path, or a specific direction from which to approach it? Again, thanks for whatever you can tell me.

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My first character was the only one who has done any Mages guild quests, so we're talking about ancient history (and how well my old head remembers accurately). That character also did not use the UOP (was seriously addicted to the "zero weight permanent bound armor" glitch ... something the UOP "fixed").


If memory serves I found myself in exactly the same situation you are facing ... none of the recommendation topics showing in Kud-Ei's list because I had first clicked on the Henantier topic and agreed to help. That character also wanted to finish the recommendation quests so he could gain access to the Arcane University and get that permanent bound armor enchanted.


I think I wound up completing the Henantier quest just so I could move on to the recommendation ... and yes the situation you are in is documented in the UESP Wiki for the Bravil recommendation quest.


I think my first guy might have been the only one to do that Daedric quest as well ... I'll need to load up one of my current guy's saves from Cheydinhal and wander over that way to refresh my memory.


- Edit - OK keep in mind this was done with my level 37 character who has Agility maxed.
Starting from Sercen Camp follow the ridge NNW to just NE of Fort Nasco, and then follow the ridge that leads uphill NE from Fort Nasco as far as you can. A trick I use when I can't go uphill any further and think I should be able to, is to zig zag back and forth while still mostly pointed uphill and you'll get a little bit every now and then.
Once you can't make any more progress up that ridge work your way along the mountainside east while still keeping yourself headed mostly uphill so you don't lose too much height. When you are about due east of the shrine you'll see a ridge leading down to the east side of the shrine.
If you aren't higher than the shrine when you work your way east along the mountainside you either didn't make it far enough up the ridge from Fort Nasco or lost too much height while working your way around.
Edited by Striker879
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