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remove 6th soldier automatically psionic


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it seems kinda cheap to me. so i wanna get rid of it and play the game without it.


i found this info about the psionic chance



Here you go.

function bool RollForGift(XGStrategySoldier kSoldier)
local int iChance, iTraineeWill, iGiftedSix, iSoldier, iTraineeRank;

local array<XGStrategySoldier> arrCandidates;

arrCandidates = BARRACKS().m_arrSoldiers;
iSoldier = 0;
while if(iSoldier < Min(6, arrCandidates.Length))
++ iGiftedSix;
++ iSoldier;
iSoldier = 0;
while if(iSoldier < m_arrTraining.Length)
if(m_arrTraining[iSoldier].bPsiGift && arrCandidates.Find(m_arrTraining[iSoldier].kSoldier) != -1 && arrCandidates.Find(m_arrTraining[iSoldier].kSoldier) < 6)
++ iGiftedSix;
++ iSoldier;
iTraineeWill = kSoldier.m_kChar.aStats[7];
iChance = int(float(iTraineeWill) / class'XGTacticalGameCore'.default.SW_RARE_PSI);
iChance /= float(1 + BARRACKS().GetNumPsiSoldiers());
iChance = int(float(iTraineeWill) / class'XGTacticalGameCore'.default.PSI_GIFT_CHANCE); // basic formula
iTraineeRank = arrCandidates.Find(kSoldier);
if(iTraineeRank >= 0 && iTraineeRank < 6)
iChance += Max(0, 75 - iTraineeRank * 20 - iGiftedSix * 40);
return Roll(iChance);
}Roll is true if random number from 100 is less than iChance:
function bool Roll(int iChance)
return Rand(100) < iChance;
}Looking at the math, the best odds fot getting PSI gift has Major and Colonel, because only basic formula applies to them. Other ranks count with 75 - iTraineeRank * 20 - iGiftedSix * 40.

Good news is you can set PSI_GIFT_CHANCE in DefaultGameCore.ini http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif Soldier's will is divided by default value of 4 nerfing the chance. Setting it to 1 improves the situation. It can be set to 0.01f for 100% chance. Tested with 12 soldiers and all got the gift.

Use Modpatcher, but copy your up to date DefaultGameCore.ini to DefaultGameCore.mod and set PSI_GIFT_CHANCE=0.01f


i found a setting in one of the ini files called "PSI_TEST_LIMIT=5" that no one seems to know what does, it SEEMS like it'd be the failsafe. if i set that to 255, would that stop me from getting auto-psioniced?

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You do realize if is generally felt that you can't win the vanilla game without at least one psionic soldier?


But to answer your question: no one has ever suggested trying that on the forum. So you can cover new ground. However, I suspect "PSI_TEST_LIMIT=" refers to the number of soldiers you can qualify for a bonus as "psionic". (See UFOpedia entry on PSILabs.) As PSI_GIFT_CHANCE is in the DGC.INI and used as a divisor, increasing that is more likely to give the soldier effectively a zero chance.



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You do realize if is generally felt that you can't win the vanilla game without at least one psionic soldier?


But to answer your question: no one has ever suggested trying that on the forum. So you can cover new ground. However, I suspect "PSI_TEST_LIMIT=" refers to the number of soldiers you can qualify for a bonus as "psionic". (See UFOpedia entry on PSILabs.) As PSI_GIFT_CHANCE is in the DGC.INI and used as a divisor, increasing that is more likely to give the soldier effectively a zero chance.



That is what i meant to change. I don't want to change the chance for a soldier to be psionic, i want to make it so that the 6th soldier is NOT automatically psionic.

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