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Arrows not hitting distant targets anymore?


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So, I have been trying to hit targets at a decent distance and they just aren't hitting it's like they just go through the target. I move up closer a little bit nothing. A little more nothing. A little more finally it hits the target but now I'm to close, really cramping the immersion. I guess I'm just seeing if someone here might of had this problem before or maybe a mod is f***ing this up? Ty for reading :)


EDIT: And I'm not talking distance like they are a football field away I'm guessing 100ft or so, I mean I have hit targets even further now it just requires me to be a stone throw away. Pissing me off lol


Solution possibly, will test hopefully if this works it helps someone else out there. This is straight from the Wiki.


Arrows can be forced to fire through the center point by modifying (or adding, if they don't exist) a few lines in Skyrim.ini, in the My Documents folder. Setting fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist to a high value (above ~10000) allows the character to hit targets with arrows as far as the arrow can fly, rather than passing through targets (without causing damage) at long distances.








Edited by djd1985
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The arrow distance shooting has degraded significantly since Nov 11. The hit box is so small at range, if it exists at all, you are best to not even attempt it. Its a horrible thing and has nothign to do with gravity. Most times the arrow does not even register to the would be target. No change in posture, motion or activity. Now, its almost as if you have to be within the "charge" range of a melee weapon before letting the twang of your bow string dictate its course.
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This has always bugged me, but it's functionality is probably intended that way, and could be directly related to AI limitations. I am guessing that anything passed 100ft will be outside of AI detection and/or search radius, so if you miss a shot at 200ft away, there would be no consequence as the AI would not be able to track you.


In my experience, shooting an enemy from over the max distance still hits them and their animation will stagger, but it does no damage. Could be a bug, i don't know. But setting that value too high could break stealth mechanics and combat in general.

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I had no no problems with any distance. Maybe its tied to the archery skill? With the zooming in and time slowing, I could anything (bandits) that my graphic settings were drawing on medium setting. And contrary to oblivion I also didn't have to aim upward. The only thing, targets moving require you to aim where it will be... I had my problems with flying dragons though, I had always to wait he comes to halt (also halt in air). Also remember sometimes its Alduin that flies over you in the wild, he is invulnerable (at this stage)
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Great distances does affect the arrow hitting the target. Although I play an archer almost exclusively and am having little problem taking out targets from even the shorter distance. I can still be within AI range but outside of the NPC's search radius, so if I miss, they look around, but then stop looking soon after.


Beth, probably patched this as a balance thing, as shooting something that has no chance of fighting back isn't very fun in my book. You may like it, but I am glad they changed it.

Edited by PirateDragon
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They should've made arrows fired at a distance do less damage or something if they wanted to balance things somehow, but not this!...


If you factor in the Sneak skill then quite often enemies will run into and past you without detecting you, even if you're in melee "charge" range as you put it.


What's the point of being an Archer if you can't shoot things from a distance? If I'm on a ledge somewhere far and feel some skeletons/draugr moving below me far in a distance, I'm gonna shoot those things till they stop moving! That's part of the fun of being an archer, otherwise it's more entertaining to just strap on the melee weapons and charge in.

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