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Succubus mod crashes game on character select screen


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Hello Members of the nexus. I require aid in getting the succubus race to work. I am a noobie when it comes to modding so for the life of me I cant figure out whats wrong. I tried to run with very few mods for the start so I dont have any conflicts.


The mods I have are: SKSE, SKYUI, CBBE, eyes of beauty, enhanced blood textures and the succubus race.


What happens when i get into game is i start that long carriage ride...etc and when i hit the choose your race i can hover over succubus no problem, but when i try to switch to female (since its just regular nord as male) it just closes my game. Poof. No errors or anything it just shuts it down. I dont know whats causing it and I would appreciate any help i can get. Thank you.

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