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Make followers keep up with you


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One of my biggest gripes about this game is how slow the followers are, it makes them obsolete. When you're running through a cave killing bandits, your companion isn't doing much good when they are still 4 rooms behind you. I either have to keep waiting an hour for them to spawn by me, or not sprint. I am clad in full heavy armor, there's no reason my light armored thief companion shouldn't be able to keep up with me!


I've seen mods which speed things up floating around (wolves, bears, horses, etc), why not do the same for our followers to make them actually able to get a hit in before an enemy dies?


Note that I'm not talking about pathing issues, there are always times where your follower will fail to follow you correctly (though this rarely happens in dungeons). I'm just talking about the pace at which they run.


Could someone please do this? I'm quite surprised it hasn't been done already.

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