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Realistic Encumberance/Repair


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Was talking about this in mod talk.. someone pointed out that this seemed like a request... so I'm a-postin' it here!


Two ideas.


1) Realistic Encumberance And Run Speed Mod (REARSM)



At between 0% and 50% of your encumberance, you speed is unneffected. Once you hit 50% of your full carryable weight, your movement speed begins to steadily drop. Once you hit full carry weight, you are reduced to walking speed. This reduction in movement speed would happen smoothly, to where if you were at 99/100 carry weight, you would allready be practically walking ( your running speed would allready be 98% of the way to walking by that point ). Once you reach 100/100 you can only walk.


At this point, you could attempt to push yourself. What this would entail is that you push a key, and you are now able to run again despite being overencumbered; however, for every 15 or 30 seconds ( can't decide which is better ) that you do this, your Endurance goes down by 1; the seconds accumulate over time, so even if you run for 29 seconds then walk for a bit, as soon as you push yourself for 1 second more, you take the endurance penalty, then work on the next 30 (or 15 ) seconds. Once your adjusted Endurance is 1, pushing yourself longer will eventually cause you to collapse on the ground for a while.


The only way to remove the Endurance penalty from this is through sleeping; you've put your body through a lot of strain and it needs to recover. Also, adjustable settings to lower your maximum carrying weight would be great with this, as well as changing the carry weight formula to include endurance and strength in the calculation.



2) Realistic Efficient Parts And maIntanence Repair Mod (REPAIRM)


The first effect of my dream repair mod would be purchasable and craftable Maintenance Kits; effectively, these count as repair items for everything that you could ever need to repair. They would be moderately priced from vendors, but could also be crafted using 1 Lunch Box, 1 Spare Parts, 1 Tin Can, 1 Wonder Glue, and 1 Abraxo. They would completely repair 1 weapon or armor piece, and would be used up when doing so.


Secondly, the ability to point your crosshair at a dead person, push a key, and Scavenge everything that person is carrying (you would have course first loot all the stuff you don't want to scavenge); this could also be done to items that are just laying around. This would turn that item into various components. All weapons would give you 2 components when they are scavenged, one specific to the weapon type, and one useable on all weapons of a broader catagory.


For example; Pistols would give Pistol Components and Small Arms Components. Pistol Components would only be used to repair pistol weapons, while Small Arms Components would be useable on all Small Arms weapons. Heavy Weapons would not give Heavy Weapons Components... rather, the Mini-Gun would give Small Arms Components and Mini-Gun Components; other heavy weapons would be similar, since they tend to be very unique weapons.


Add in some sort of thing where you get shell casings back from bullets and can refill them, and it'd be a pretty great system.



-anyone who happens to make this into a mod does not have to give me any credit whatsoever... just keep me up to date on how it's coming along :P

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I like the sound of the encumberance mod, there's a global that controlls the speed multiplier from running, it might be runmult, so it seems quite doable.

As a possible add on to the repair, what about if each time a repair kit is used there's a chance of getting 1 of it's components back to represent a part that wasn't needed, maybe based on luck or repair skill. Or, some repairs can't be done without certain tools, like a wrench or hammer, so a player has to decide if they really want to carry a repair kit around or pack some extra grenades and do their repairs at home.

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A part of FWE is a repair change that allows you to craft repair parts from scrape metal to repair your weapons and the ability to make power armor repair parts from scrap metal, abrasco cleaner and conductors.

Also you can repair weapons with the cleaner and power armor with either conductors or fission batteries. You can repair power armor helmets with sensor modules. I might have the power armor repair parts mixed up, I going by faulty memory.

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A part of FWE is a repair change that allows you to craft repair parts from scrape metal to repair your weapons and the ability to make power armor repair parts from scrap metal, abrasco cleaner and conductors.

Also you can repair weapons with the cleaner and power armor with either conductors or fission batteries. You can repair power armor helmets with sensor modules. I might have the power armor repair parts mixed up, I going by faulty memory.


some ideas to add

more realistic weight a missile of that size dont weight 1 lbs

limit what player have at hand to use , you can have 2000 cartriges on a bag if you are very strong ,but i doubt that you will stop a gunfight to take ammo and reload your clips

limit to lets say 1 pistol/revolver on the leg and 1 or two long weapons on the back , 3 stimpacks ,5 granades , 5 clips

force the player and companions to carry a bag for be able to use all his carry capacity,maybe add a way to leave the bag with the no weared items


make the power armor absorv all damage until certain damage above that the armor will start to break and reduce its protection ,and very above that the damage will pass

but make impossible to remove armor while in combat

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I like the sound of the encumberance mod, there's a global that controlls the speed multiplier from running, it might be runmult, so it seems quite doable.

As a possible add on to the repair, what about if each time a repair kit is used there's a chance of getting 1 of it's components back to represent a part that wasn't needed, maybe based on luck or repair skill. Or, some repairs can't be done without certain tools, like a wrench or hammer, so a player has to decide if they really want to carry a repair kit around or pack some extra grenades and do their repairs at home.


I like the idea of tools being required to do field repairs; after all, it's pretty difficult to just rip a gun apart with your bare hands to get the parts off of it. I would say both scavenging and repair would require tools; non-power armor requires a hammer, weapons require a wrench, and power armor requires both a hammer and a wrench. Adding in a chance for them to break each time you scavenge and repair would make sense too, since all the tools laying around are pretty old and rusty. That way, you have to decide between carrying a couple of hammers and wrenches, or those grenades.


A part of FWE is a repair change that allows you to craft repair parts from scrape metal to repair your weapons and the ability to make power armor repair parts from scrap metal, abrasco cleaner and conductors.

Also you can repair weapons with the cleaner and power armor with either conductors or fission batteries. You can repair power armor helmets with sensor modules. I might have the power armor repair parts mixed up, I going by faulty memory.


That sounds pretty cool... but I don't wanna download all of FWE just for that one part :(


some ideas to add

more realistic weight a missile of that size dont weight 1 lbs

limit what player have at hand to use , you can have 2000 cartriges on a bag if you are very strong ,but i doubt that you will stop a gunfight to take ammo and reload your clips

limit to lets say 1 pistol/revolver on the leg and 1 or two long weapons on the back , 3 stimpacks ,5 granades , 5 clips

force the player and companions to carry a bag for be able to use all his carry capacity,maybe add a way to leave the bag with the no weared items


make the power armor absorv all damage until certain damage above that the armor will start to break and reduce its protection ,and very above that the damage will pass

but make impossible to remove armor while in combat


There are actually some mods to adjust the weight of various objects. I DEFENITELY like the idea you have about limiting what's on-hand to use, though I'm not sure about the technical aspect of it. Any smart wastelander would figure out some way to have their ammo on hand...stick clips and handfulls of bullets in your pockets, have some hooks on your jacket to hang grenades from, keep clips and grenades at the very top of what you have in your backpack so you can just reach back and grab it, but like you said it wouldn't be feasable for 2000 bullets, even if they are in about 80 magazines.


Maybe some sort of interface where you "prepare" weapons and ammunition, and then those are the only weapons and ammunition you can use during combat, with the outfit that you're using determining how much you can prepare. Trenchcoats and trader outfits would let you prepare a lot, while combat armor would let you prepare less, and power armor would let you prepare very little; this would give armor with lower DR a purpose.


And yes, making it impossible to remove armor in combat makes sense too, along with repairing and eating food ( who the heck starts jamming food down their throat in the middle of a gun battle? )


As for the power armor absorbing all damage; there is a mod that does this I believe. For example, if a person in power armor has a DR of 50, then all attacks on them will be reduced by 50 meaning if an attack does 20 damage, it actually ends up doing 0. If your attacks damage NPC armor when you hit them, then eventually the DR would get lower to where you can damage them ( though I'm not sure if that's how it works ). If that mod doesn't do that, then yeah that's a good idea too. In vanilla, I'm often left wondering why people bother wearing all that armor when bullets seem to go right through it.

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