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Moving Skyrim Installation files w/ mods to 2nd Harddrive


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So I just bought a new harddrive , which I moved all my STEAM game files to using the official STEAM method (cut/paste steamapps,user folders and steam.exe to new harddrive). Basically, I moved the install from C:\STEAM\STEAMapps --> E:\STEAM\STEAMApps


While my games still work, I was curious how this will affect Skyrim Mods already installed and NMM ability to manage those mod files.

  1. -- Will I need to reinstall all the mods (delete data folder and re-establish correct Data folder filepath to NMM) seeing how the location NMM installed the mods to is now different?
    1. (I'm afraid if I start NMM it will spit back an error thus labeling all the mods as not installed, even though the mod files are still in the Data folder).
  2. -- Is there a Nexus Method that others have used to avoid mass confusion of NMM and maintain the "connection" between the mod files already in my Data folder and NMM's ability to still manage those files.


Thanks !

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Ok, so I did some digging and this seems to work thus far.



  1. Copy NMM install folder from orignal to new harddrive (keep same folder structure); also copy the Mod install folder (keeping same folder structure)
    1. For instance "C:\NexusModManager\ --> E:\NexusModManager
    2. For Mods folder "C:\Games\NexusModManager\Skyrim\Mods --> "E:\Games\NexusModManager\Skyrim\Mods
  2. Locate these files on the new harddrive: "Categories.cfg" (Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods) and "InstallLog.cfg" (Games\NMM\Skyrim\InstallInfo)
    1. Open each cfg file, and replace the old drive location, with the new drive location
    2. I did replace "c:\games w/ "e:\games
  3. Open NMM on new harddrive, rescan game locations, verify download/install locations for games are directing to new harddrive.
  4. Done. Your mods should now be linked to your new harddrive.


Hope this helps others.

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