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Cold water damage


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Perhaps the Nords could have some sort of resistance in the cold water, but I don't see how it would be logical for example: a wood elf to be able to swim for minutes without suffering even a bit in some dark, ice cold water from he glaciers.


Anyways, this was just some idea!



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Perhaps the Nords could have some sort of resistance in the cold water, but I don't see how it would be logical for example: a wood elf to be able to swim for minutes without suffering even a bit in some dark, ice cold water from he glaciers.


Anyways, this was just some idea!




I wouldn't exactly call it damage, but a meter that runs down until your char passes out from hypothermia or something.... warning one to get out quick and start a fire and warm up for a bit. Like a whole day!

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I wouldn't exactly call it damage, but a meter that runs down until your char passes out from hypothermia or something.... warning one to get out quick and start a fire and warm up for a bit. Like a whole day!


That sounds ever better, perhaps it could be just under the underwater breath bar... dang, that would be deadly... to get like the lack of air + the cold. Even once you'd have your head out, you'd be suffering from the cold still.


Or maybe it could be like an active effect that would show along with the sicknesses, poisonings and buffs... I don't know, I'm not a great modder (I'm not a modder. Period), so I don't know if such a thing would require a lot of scripting or something.


There's one sure thing, it would really add some immersion for the cold atmosphere in Skyrim!

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Perhaps the Nords could have some sort of resistance in the cold water, but I don't see how it would be logical for example: a wood elf to be able to swim for minutes without suffering even a bit in some dark, ice cold water from he glaciers.


Anyways, this was just some idea!




is the radiationmeter from fallout a possible source to inplement this? might ask the devs for that bit though...

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I was thinking snow storms and super-high elevations could/should cause a drop in stamina, resistable by the Nords and other locals but for the Kahjiit, the Redgaurd, and the Bretons (who I imagine as being more temperate climate natives) and such they'd suffer a penalty, depending on the intensity and duration of the exposure.


I'd also like to see an amulet modeled to resemble a scarf to negate that penalty, mostly as a recognition that it's freaking cold in the mountains of Skyrim. Maybe a matching woolly hat. ^_^

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