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ENB help please


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I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to ENB's, I pretty much avoided them for about a year till I picked up RLO (previous pc). Straight to the point, I decided on Climates of Tamriel & Tamriel reloaded ENB.


1, my clouds are way shiny, like oww my eyes, I think I turned up Outside daytime intensity when I meant to do Inside. What would the default be for Outside daytime intensity or how do I reset ENB settings to default?


2, Insides are way to dark for my liking, what setting to brighten up inside locations? Intensity didn't seem to work unless I didn't increase it enough, from negative value to +15.


3, Should I even be using COT & Tam Re? Tam Reloaded calls for an outdated enb series & I have the most current. v0308


If I were to want to remove Tam re, would I just download, say Realvision & copy the zips extracted contents to my skrim dir & let it overwrite like I did with the first ENB? Looking through my skyrim dir, I'd say deleting any enb named files and overwriting with any new should do the trick.

Edited by headfullofdread
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1. There should be an option in the top left to load the default enb setting. If all else fails, just delete your enbseries folder and reinstall it from the enb preset you are using. All setting should be returned to normal.

2. When installing climates of tamriel, don't select such a dark setting. You don't need to tweak your enb.

3. You can use older enbs, but should use the required file from enbdev to work properly. I personally use snapdragon enb. I enjoy the multiple preset settings in the menu that let me change the game visually. It's very beautiful with weather and the mods i use. If you are looking for an update one, I would suggest that if you have a decent system.


You would want to open up the zipped mod and locate all the files contained within your Tam re, then locate those files in your skyrim folder and make sure you have deleted them all. That's the easiest way I've found to manually remove the mod and make sure I got it all.


You would want to delete any files/folders that contain




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Using Sharpshooter ENB with latest enb ver 308 instead of 231


The procedure entry point CreateDXGIFactory2 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll


Looks to be SweetFX or NVIDIA related

Possible fixes-

A deleting "Mod Organizer.ini" from the folder of Mod Organizer. This forced my Mod Organizer to create another one clean version of the file.

B. Delete Sweetfx folder

C. Rollback NVIDIA drivers (no...)

D. deleting (or better renaming) the dxgi.dll in my Skyrim folder - ".bak" to the file names - rename dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll I guess...

E. Computer > C: > Windows > System32
Find and copy DXGI.DDL and paste in your skyrim folder. Overwrite if asked.

. Reinstall Sharpshooter, hope for best

G. Pick another enb


Using the d3d9.dll found in \SweetFX\dlls\FXAA DX9 dll\ for this, did not work.


Going to try copying the Sys32 to skyrim/ AND renaming it, THEN delete MO.ini, different reports say just renaming didn't allow the ENB to function.

Would really like some input before I go at it

Win 10, NVIDIA geforce

EDIT: Copied dxgi.dll from system 32, renamed the one in skyrim with .bak, pasted sys32 dxgi to skyrim/ Appears to be working, at least to title.

Edited by headfullofdread
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