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How do I replace music or sound?


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I just downloaded the femal bard song "the dragon born lives" i want to simply replace the bard songs to this song but I have no idea what to do....


i have the bsa unpacker but I dont know how to replace files ... Please help.


if you just tell me in simple words how to do it I would appreciate it, im computer literate so no need explaining where the start menu is...

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You don't need to unpack any .bsa files to replace a song. (or to replace anything). Don't extract anything from your .bsas unless you plan to use them as resources for making a mod.


Go here:

Skyrim -> Data -> Music -> Tavern


If any of those folders don't exist, just create them with the exact same names. Skyrim should know where to look automatically :)


Place the music in the Tavern folder. If it's not already named correctly, rename it mus_tavern_01

Copy that music four more times, so inside your music folder you should have five total songs by malukah.

Name the other ones mus_tavern_02, mus_tavern_03, etc.


That will ensure that the ALL the tavern ambient music is replaced.

In order to actually hear the music you will need to tell the bard who is currently playing to take a break. Bard music overrides ambient music like malukah's song.

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I can't remember if you have to have the sound files in .fuz format for musics, but you need that for sounds. I am uncertain if you need to save the files in the .fuz format for them to work in the game.


There are posts on the Nexus that talk about converting .fuz to .xwm and stuff, but I couldn't get it to work.

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The files I have are in a folder called femaleeventoned and femaleyoungeager and each file inside the folder is named bardsongs__00074a0a_1 and so on and so fourth... Do i take out all these files from those 2 folders and put them in "tavern" folder???

theres like 5 files like this, there are no tavern folders in the data folder...so I dont know how skyrim will know to replace the bardsongs if i just create the folder name tavern and put there files inside...

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First, please direct me to the mod where you got the music. It'd help for me to see what the mod was originally intended to do.

Since I assume you're not using the music for the same reason that the person who released the mod wanted the music used for, their folders won't help you. If you do want to install the mod exactly as the person who created it described, simply follow their readme. I'm giving instructions for how to replace Tavern background music with malukah's music, not the individual bard songs.


Secondly, yes, just create the Tavern folder inside the Music folder. Skyrim is set to automatically check for new, properly named files inside specific folders. It'll be fine.

The music is in .xwm format, right?


Before you do any of that though, give me a link to the mod so I can see the file structure and determine what it's for.

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