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Mod idea


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I was wondering if someone would be up to the task of rebuilding the capitol building and cleaning it. Also getting rid of the behemoth as well as the other super mutants and talon company. There is a mod where it is cleaned and fixed on the inside but you would have to rebuild the outside. I'd also like it if it was a brotherhood of steel base. Mabye with some dialouge? If you are interested in building this or are going to etc. Message me because i would like to know.
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In order to make the exterior not look decrepit , those building kit peices would have to be redone in a mesh editing program.


Unless just cleaning up the litter and rubble piles , then setting up stuff that makes it look more like a base is all your after?


There is lots of static pieces in the geck you can cobble together , through fine tune placement and resizing.

So it could be made to look like it was repaired scrapper style. Plus you could build a whole roof section.


Removing NPC's is a little more tricky ... because its just markers there. And you could break something by getting rid of them. So would need to figure out what is continuing to spawn , then figure out how to turn them off.

But that is a secondary concern to making the place look like you want and possibly adjusting the navmesh for it.


Sounds like you have a good reason to start learning the geck.

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