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ED-E to Servo Skull Companion Mod


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Semi aware human cyborgs that fill the same role as the Protectron and other Fallout robots. Most are made of vat grown parts and purpose built cybernetics. Some being more mechanical than others. And as with many things the image below is sort of the tip of the iceberg.

Hmmmm, well I'd say by rigging some tech related parts and using SM or altered human meshes it might be possible to make some passable facsimiles. I'll try and do a google image search to get an idea of teh "flavor". The basic concept isn't too far off various fallout tech (FEV, vat grown, cybernetic implants, robotic limbs etc).


Arrg. Multi qoute is being a pain. This is a standalone replacer for ED-E.

Not to worry, I can make several different versions for different requests, it's not a problem.

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Also it may be worthwhile looking for some open source/free permission sounds to replace ed-e/eyebot sound profiles with something that better fits the 40k universe. BurryTheMad is there any info servoskulls in regard to speach, audio etc? I haven't had time to do any research on them.


EDIT: perhaps if they are former humans (or canines, as I believe you mentioned) maybe they would have a robot-ized (ie robot audio filter) version of the original's vocalizations/speech. That probably doesn't work well for ED-E specifically since the little bot has never had actual speech (at least not English), but could work for other servoskull variants(?)

Edited by devinpatterson
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Funny enough they are limited to beeps and chirps. They can however play back audio recordings. Their intelligence is deliberately limited in most cases. Case in point: https://youtu.be/8ygY7_h_Epg?list=PL3FD71F0ACAF3A4F7&t=62 The skull in question is a simple messenger unit thus very dumb. it cant tell if your alive or dead. Just weather you are authorized for it's message.

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It occurs to me I should point out ED-E is roughly equivalent to one of the better general use models of servo skull ie the expensive kind. The sort used by inquisitors and explorators as they make good scouts, watch dogs ect. Within limits of course. A camera, audio recorder & basic multi tool with the ability to shoot would be assassins is a handy thing.

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Funny enough they are limited to beeps and chirps.

cool, that saves some work


Cool, I'm actually watching this for entertainment purposes now, some decent cgi


Hey!, could you add them as rare encounters near raider and fiends camps, etc with the name "hacked eyebot"?

Sure, I was actually floating an idea of a new raider group with bots in this style/theme. But yeah I can add them to raider level lists, no problem.

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