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Tavern Games and Poker


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I'm not quite sure on how difficult it may be to make a mod such as this since I am not a modder myself, but when the creation kit comes out or something, it may be fun to have this mod. You could be able to make or lose quick gold through poker or blackjack or something, adding more features to inns. I had thought that there really wasn't that many features of a tavern that there should of been since about the only reason I go in one is for a certain quest, so this could be pretty fun. There would actually be a reason to go in one just have fun. Edited by Guitarshredder12
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Poker would be REALLY interesting for CK though. I'd love to see how somebody would implement it, as difficult as it would be.


Persuasion, Intimidate, and something new for Speechcraft: Bluff.


Playing the game and exorcizing each option, calling bluffs, bluffing, persuading, or intimidating somebody into playing some hand or folding wouldn't give much in the way of experience towards Speech, but would be a fun way to get a little experience for it.


As far as easy games go...Blackjack, dice, bar arena fighting, dog/chicken/fox fighting.


All would be awesome. :thumbsup:

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