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X6-88 and Gage not enemy.


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I second (or is it third?) this! I haven't done a playthrough where I focus on X6, but I loved Gage and it just about broke my heart to have to kill him! If you've got high enough affinity, I'd think you'd be able to sway him, but nope :( If someone could make this a mod for PS4 (though I have no idea if that's possible, since I'd imagine it involves messing with the scripts), that would be amazing.
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Unfortunately I have posted requests for this for X6-88 a couple of times and it never even got any replies to bump the post to the top. :(


There is one mod that attempted this with X6 but that mod never worked and the author abandoned it shortly after release. It is really a pity that you have to kill these NPC's because they are a couple of well done, and different companions.


I never even got a reply that it may be impossible so I do not know where it stands. I hope it can be done.

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Unfortunately I have posted requests for this for X6-88 a couple of times and it never even got any replies to bump the post to the top. :sad:


There is one mod that attempted this with X6 but that mod never worked and the author abandoned it shortly after release. It is really a pity that you have to kill these NPC's because they are a couple of well done, and different companions.


I never even got a reply that it may be impossible so I do not know where it stands. I hope it can be done.

It cannot be that difficult, just remove some of their factions and tweak it a little bit. we have enough slooty mods, someone please make some immersive mods like this

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This many wanting same thing and nobody has answered... so it tells you guys something right...?

It's not that simple as just change factions and everything is done, those characters has lots of quest data what impact each other so definetly not simple thing to do without breaking something important...

like kodiak412 has mention some one has tried and it didn't work.

also how many thinks that okey that mod has just one esp file and therefore is a small mod... well most one file mods has enormous amount of hours put in it..

Be patient... I think someone will do this X6 thing again at somepoint...

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