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Can making horses faster "mess with your game"?


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I posted an xbox one mod yesterday that makes a horse npc thats extremely fast and can get you places crazy fast

"Made them the right size to prevent a lot of bugs like flying 50 feet in the air and such."

Its pretty great ive gone from markarth to whiterun in maybe 4 minutes?.


Anyways someone commented saying theres a reason horses are insanely slow because it can in his words

"screw with your game" My counter argument is that you can mount dragons and fly them over mountains and run faster when werewolf


Heres the link: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/skyrim/mod-detail/3503784

So in anyone can enlighten me and explain in detail to why having a horse faster is a "bad idea" please comment thankyou.

Edited by thelawfull
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There a couple scenarios I can think of that might be an issue: objects being swapped out too quickly, storymanager quests getting a stop command before they are even initialized, and NPCs with certain AI packages getting confused about your location. I think worst case scenario you are probably talking about some temporary save game bloat that would be fixed by restarting the game or fast travelling.
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