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New to using mods


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Hey Guys! I just joined and I have never used mods on a PC before, just XBOXONE. So I have no idea what I'm doing lol. Is there a how to guide to get going? The only game I have for PC right now that I want to mod is Mass Effect 2, I really have no clue how to get started. Any tips would be appreciated!

Edited by OhLadyMeg
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Welcome to the forum! Modding Mass Effect can be a bit difficult for the inexperienced, it's not as plug and play as Bethesda Games. Maybe the people over at the Mass Effect Reddit can help you out if you ever need help, their community is likely to be more active than the Mass Effect community here. However, most mods should include some sort of installation instructions on the mod page. As long as you're really patient and enjoy reading written instructions, you should be okay. Sadly I can't provide any specific advice because I haven't messed with modding the Mass Effect games in a very long time. I'm just now getting back into ME2 - but I'm sticking with Vanilla. Good luck!


Mass Effect Reddit:


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Hey Guys! I just joined and I have never used mods on a PC before, just XBOXONE. So I have no idea what I'm doing lol. Is there a how to guide to get going? The only game I have for PC right now that I want to mod is Mass Effect 2, I really have no clue how to get started. Any tips would be appreciated!


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well you already got some decent links there, so i'll just suggest checking out the Gopher youtube videos and say hi.


suggestion: https://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids


hi: Hello friend! I am Dr. Sir Lord Inquisitor Qwerty Z-Eldar of the Nexus. you can really call me any part of that and you'll be fine as long as you dont call me Zeldar (that's someone else). welcome to the forums i hope you enjoy your stay.

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