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A call for originality


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Uhm, whatever the case is, I think you can't just stop people posting what they want.

This is just a suggestion though (idea from my friend); why don't tesnexus has a favorite system?

For example I like your uploaded pics very much and I would like to see more your pics so rather than bookmarking your profile page, why don't we have a favorite system? the same goes with favorite mods

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I must say, there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to see beautiful women in the nude, I'd go so far as to say it's healthy even. After all, there is little more pleasing to the eye than the female form.

My main gripe is that it's just nudity for nudity's sake. When it becomes a mass of naked images with little or no redeeming value there is a word for it. Pornography. It'd be different if that was the intent of the Nexus, but it just simply isn't so far as I can tell.

I agree with you guys, the image share section should be used to display mods and unique images. Things that make you go, "Whoa, thats really cool". Things that make you want to fire up the game and play till your fingers bleed all over the keyboard. :thumbsup:

It's not all nudity; there are other pictures, like these two (self promotion time!):




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Wow! Somebody actually had the balls to complain about this. I completely agree with what you are saying. I am really tired of seeing mods like, "My Sexy Female Character." Sure they look lovely, but if I wanted to see something like that I would download porn or go to a club. Dont forget, they all look like a stripper with anime-styled features.


Here is a breakdown of what they are like.


Race: Elf (usually)


Hair: Anime Styled


Outfit: Skimpy and revealing with unecessary accessories


Name: Sounds Greek or Latin, or possibly based off of a plant.


I know it sounds like I am saying "Ban these mods" but they are usually uploaded every single day. It gets REALLY boring.


Personally I see Oblivion being converted into Final Fantasy.

May the gods have mercy on your soul!

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Balls of solid brass my friend. The size of softballs. And I don't really get the Anime-Look obsession either. I play mods that enhance the realism and immersion of the game. Giant eyes and plastic looking Barbie Doll shaped bodies just don't do either.

And Faivon, thanks for the compliment. I'd like to see a favorites feature as well. It's a very good idea. Maybe the moderator keeping tabs on this topic will pass your suggestion along to the man (hint hint).

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Right on Iapetus. I saw it in the Image share section. I believe I gave you a good rating for it too, not that I'm anybody special.

It's just what we need more of, pictures of something new and interesting.

Now, lets not misunderstand, this isn't about anti-nudity. This is really about a lack of creativity and people posting just any ordinary bullsh*t. It just so happens that in this case, the naked anime-elves have become the ordinary bullsh*t.

I myself have posted sexually oriented pictures but at least I can say they were original or were posted to showcase a mod so other site members could see what it contained.


Combat scenes are always good too. ;)

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Besides anime-elves theres also the vampire with the silly trenchcoat wielding a katana(butterknife)


Before all this, there were so many mods involving the Dark brotherhood. Type in Dark Brotherhood and look at how many downloads there are. Dont tell me there isnt enough!


That also points out how many katana mods there are.

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Yes, I cannot wait for the day that I can look at the Image Share and JUST see those images under the "Mods" category or "Combat" or "Funny" and completely ignore the rest.


You have to admit though that if you want to increase the number of views, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you need to add something that looks like part of a naked woman.


As a case and point, my Lamps of Oblivion was released with several screenshots and I uploaded them to the Image Share and labeled them as the following:


Lamps of Oblivion 1 (83 views)

Lamps of Oblivion 2 (70 views)

Lamps of Oblivion 3 (293 views)


I thought images #1 and #2 were the best but #3 had an oddly high click-count since all 3 images were uploaded at the same time.


Looking at it from the standpoint of somebody looking for naked pictures, you can see why #3 got so much attention. o_O



Another thing that is somewhat irritating is that there are so few votes and comments that if you (as the author) tried to sort all the images you have uploaded by rating, it is not likely that you could glean any valuable information from it. Would be useful to sort by last comment to keep on top of comments being made so you can find and reply to them quickly.



With all the "this is my hot girl" pics, I have resorted to just using the Image Share as a place to store my mod images since I can upload images and not loose image resolution from auto-down-sizing like at Photobucket. I fear that many other people avoid this part of TESNexus for the same reasons and we are left with those that post and want "this is my hot girl" pics.



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Yes, I cannot wait for the day that I can look at the Image Share and JUST see those images under the "Mods" category or "Combat" or "Funny" and completely ignore the rest.


You have to admit though that if you want to increase the number of views, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you need to add something that looks like part of a naked woman.


As a case and point, my Lamps of Oblivion was released with several screenshots and I uploaded them to the Image Share and labeled them as the following:


Lamps of Oblivion 1 (83 views)

Lamps of Oblivion 2 (70 views)

Lamps of Oblivion 3 (293 views)


I thought images #1 and #2 were the best but #3 had an oddly high click-count since all 3 images were uploaded at the same time.


Looking at it from the standpoint of somebody looking for naked pictures, you can see why #3 got so much attention. o_O



Another thing that is somewhat irritating is that there are so few votes and comments that if you (as the author) tried to sort all the images you have uploaded by rating, it is not likely that you could glean any valuable information from it. Would be useful to sort by last comment to keep on top of comments being made so you can find and reply to them quickly.



With all the "this is my hot girl" pics, I have resorted to just using the Image Share as a place to store my mod images since I can upload images and not loose image resolution from auto-down-sizing like at Photobucket. I fear that many other people avoid this part of TESNexus for the same reasons and we are left with those that post and want "this is my hot girl" pics.






I'm a guy. And after reading that short sentence, you've already formed some concise and accurate opinions about my views on nudity. Namely, that I don't mind it. Even so, it's quite frustrating/embarrassing to have all those girly pics come up when, say, anyone else is in the room. Now the female form can be beautiful in many of its incarnations, the hackneyed buxom bounciness of a faux ingenue included, but when you have to treat the Nexus like a nsfw site, it's quite off.


Also the flood of girly pics overshadows a lot of better screen captures. Sometimes really artful shots go overlooked and I don't mean random pictures of scenery. Case in point, I had to sift through around 30 pages of boobs to rediscover this great image by samybrain.


Nice lamps btw. Maybe throw a few of them in SI to give it that psychedelic insanity feel.

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