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[LE] SetStage not working in creation kit

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Hi I'm new to modding and I need some help.

The "setstage" command doesn't seem to work on my creation kit. It complies, but doesn't do anything. I don't know if any other commands don't work but I know that some work because I managed to make a merchant with scripts. I did try "getstage" in the console command and it confirmed that the quest stage has not been set.
I tried

and "GetOwningQuest().SetStage(10)" alone.
thank you in advance
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Your syntax is correct so it must be something else; is the condition firing and the dialogue appearing?


BTW stick to just GetOwningQuest().SetStage(10) in the fragment and put SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) in stage 10. It does the same thing but it means you can see clearly from the stages what's happening in the quest.

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