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Oblivion Vampire mods.


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Just lookin' for some mods for Oblivion to modify my experience; mainly the vampire aspect, cause I was considering vampirism in Oblivion, cause I read on the wiki that people don't outta' nowhere attack you for being a vampire. I also read though that you take sun damage if you havn't had your daily dosage of blood. I'm not exactly looking for a mod to remove sun damage, actually, I'm looking for a mod to make vampirism more interesting, like this, http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27329/? (though I'd also dig if I could some point make some takeout and suck on fresh corpses). It'd also be cool to know if there are any enchants in vanilla game that allows me to make anti-sun damage equipment, or if there's a mod that allows that.

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Reading through, there's a number of things I dunno if I'd be ok with having in Oblivion. The fire damage is fine, as well as the weakness to fire, but lore wise, I think the only vampire that is effected by garlic is that one guy in the dark brotherhood. Besides, I honestly never understood why garlic is a classic weakness for vampires. Like sunlight I can understand, holy objects....I don't understand those, really, but then the question has to be asked "which holy objects?" cause in reality we have many varying religions, as well as many different "holy objects" so I wouldn't really trust a cross, nor holy water to keep me safe until I legit see it working. I do dig some of the things goin' on with the mod, but garlic, and churches bein' a weakness are kinda downers for me. I'd guess this would also mean I wouldn't be able to get any help from the divines as well? Maybe? I'll work with daedra, anyways. Any other mods that could have my consideration?

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Hey, Bevilex, I sent you a message, and you've yet to read it, basically, I'm hoping you could help me download and use Vampire Revolution, I decided to use it, cause I did more reading and found that the features I don't agree with I can simply turn off in game. Anyways, I've been hoping you could possibly help me, probably over Skype or Discord, or something, cause I know me by my self, I am going to end up having a load of difficulties with downloading the mod, finding what goes where, and simply getting the mod to work.

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