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Why do some envy/hate the rich?


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Why is there so much hate and envy in the world. It seem people have become far too material and desire more to be entertained than entertain others. By this I mean it seems we crave more money and more property than we do personal satisfaction.


It just seems the more technologically advanced we get the more we want and we seldom even stop to ponder what all these objects have brought to those who already have them in abundance. Is their life any better than ours. I don't mean the luxury part of life. I mean the emotional side of life. Wither they are happy or not.


I grew up in a poor family, in a black part of town. I went to a black grade school and was very content with what I had. I've lived my life on a shoestring and it never bothered me that I wasn't well off.


I see all these glamorous screen stars and the celebrities that are in and out of trouble, going throw detox and doing crazy stuff just to get noticed and I wonder if they were as content as they act, why do they act like they do. Why do they marry after 2-3 days and get divorced a week latter calling eachother names.


I look at these ceo's and business leaders and know that they had to climb up the lader of success over someone else's body and I wonder just how much time they've put into really having a relationship. Do these guys see their families or even know what their children are doing. I can only imagine what a life like that would be like.


I don't envy these people. I don't hate them. I don't even understand them, because they are sharks living in a shark infested ocean, where the minute they slow down, they are eatten themselves. I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't want their lives.

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uh, confusing topic


theres rich people, rich people and theres rich people


# "celebs" are usually eyerolled at, rather than envied. they lead stressful lives, but they are featured in big movies etc.

# musicians are envied, cus they are often talented and rich

# businessmen are envied for their wealth, and hated for their ruthless capitalism which by nature often prey on the poor

# lottery winners, and other suddenly rich are usually congratulated, cus most people feel like a common man deserves a lucky break

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Seriously? I think that's all hype. A myth. It's great for justifying selfish behavior though, isn't it.

Your thesis doesn't seem to have much to do with your title though.



My post was why I don't envy the rich, but it seems the politicians are squaring off on that very subject. The rich and what they have. They can keep their headaches. I'd hate to work down at the trading pits on wall street. I'd be one huge ulcer.

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@kvnchrist, myrmaad is right, your thesis has little to do with your topic title, I ask you to be more specific to your original topic, please.




#1. I for the most part agree with you on celebrities, most of them do act selfishly, but there are a few that do not.


#2. the number of musicians that are actually famous and rich, is actually quite miniscule compared to the total number of professional musicians in existence, but I am not doubting your statement about why they are envied.


#3. A, yes businessmen are envied for their wealth, but in most cases, they earned their wealth and no man should have the right to take it away unless they broke a law which punishment requires some of their wealth. B, not all businessmen are ruthless capitalists and not all are interested in taking advantage of the poor. Yes there are a few kooks out there, but those individuals also by nature tend to head into the illegal/immoral business and should be punished for it, but most businessmen, both "big" and small, are reasonable men and did not get to where they are now by being unreasonable. For example, I dislike Microsoft the company, but I recognize that they offer me a service with operating systems, professional word processing document software, etc. but that does not mean that I have to buy it or that the company should have its monetary values stripped just because I or a group of individuals think that it should; they earned it and I have no right to take it away, even if I do not think their products' price is reasonable.


On a side note: for the sake of argument, even if the product is unreasonably priced, if customers are willing to pay that price, why should a company like Microsoft charge any less for that product for a reason other than the respect of the company in the eyes of its customers?


#4. Lottery winners generally spend like crazy and end up in worse financial condition than before they won it; some people have extreme difficulty in managing large amounts of money with caution and reason i.e. this individual goes on a massive spending spree.

Maybe common men do deserve a break, maybe they don't, but after an individual follows the above example (which is what most do), then that individual is acting quite foolishly.

Edited by ChuckFinly
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@kvnchrist, myrmaad is right, your thesis has little to do with your topic title, I ask you to be more specific to your original topic, please.




#1. I for the most part agree with you on celebrities, most of them do act selfishly, but there are a few that do not.


#2. the number of musicians that are actually famous and rich, is actually quite miniscule compared to the total number of professional musicians in existence, but I am not doubting your statement about why they are envied.


#3. A, yes businessmen are envied for their wealth, but in most cases, they earned their wealth and no man should have the right to take it away unless they broke a law which punishment requires some of their wealth. B, not all businessmen are ruthless capitalists and not all are interested in taking advantage of the poor. Yes there are a few kooks out there, but those individuals also by nature tend to head into the illegal/immoral business and should be punished for it, but most businessmen, both "big" and small, are reasonable men and did not get to where they are now by being unreasonable. For example, I dislike Microsoft the company, but I recognize that they offer me a service with operating systems, professional word processing document software, etc. but that does not mean that I have to buy it or that the company should have its monetary values stripped just because I or a group of individuals think that it should; they earned it and I have no right to take it away, even if I do not think their products' price is reasonable.


On a side note: for the sake of argument, even if the product is unreasonably priced, if customers are willing to pay that price, why should a company like Microsoft charge any less for that product for a reason other than respect in the eyes of their customers?


#4. Lottery winners generally spend like crazy and end up in worse financial condition than before they won it; some people have extreme difficulty in managing large amounts of money with caution and reason i.e. this individual does not go on a massive spending spree.

Maybe common men do deserve a break, maybe they don't, but after an individual follows the above example (which is what most do), then that individual is acting quite foolishly.


EDIT: Now for the comic relief, like an idiot I pressed the wrong button XD

Edited by ChuckFinly
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My personal opinion is that the topic comes from the wrong social angle. I'm not willing to rival this topic with another one that has a very similar theme, unless the opener is convinced that there might be a better way to get results in this by another way of debate that might be more to the liking of the audience. (I have a good story to tell on this too, but this is only the bonus) kvnchrist you can PM me for a sniff of what I have in mind if you are interested, but if you think that I'm wrong please go on with out me finding out the truth in this matter. I will be having lots of fun reading still on an envy drookit topic .


It would be also a good way to have seen the British film "Eat the Rich" (WIKI) to get an answer from a 3rd angle, but this is only an option for the lazy thinkers.

... that's only my 2 cents that I throw in here.

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