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Trouble with Old Longfellow


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Went on a mission with Old Longfellow but when I fast traveled out he did not come with me, so I used the mod "companion tracker" to see where he was and he was back in Sanctuary, odd!!!


So I went there and he was just stood there and when I went up to him, it gave me the option to recruit him, again odd as he was already following me, he asks if we are heading out and I say yes but he then still stands there and does not follow and I can't get him to follow even though the option to recruit is still there, anyone know what is going on and how to get him to follow me again.

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Yeah I tried that first but my saves only went back a short distance and the one I wanted was not there and i dont' know enough to start messing around with the saved games on my PC in case I really stuff it up, I deleted 2 of the mods I thought would have been the problem as they were the latest ones I had downloaded but each time I went back into the game the problem is still there, I don't think it is any of the older mods as I have been using them for a while with no problems at all until this happened yesterday.


I am also having a similar problem with Ada, I can interact with her quite okay but again the option to recruit her back is not there and she just walks off when I have finished talking to her, I have used the Ada Controller in my inventory and I can summon her to me and I can ask her to scan for Rogue Robots which she does fine but once again she will then just walk away and head back to Sanctuary where I had originally dismissed her to, so now I have two companions which I can't get to follow anymore.


Fallout 4 is a fantastic game but by christ it is very glitchy which sort of takes the shine off it.

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Just a note:


If you mod your game it is always prudent to make hard saves often. AutoSaves overwrite and quicksave is the same thing.


Sometimes issues with mods come up with very unrelated game material and those hard saves can be a lifesaver. Especially if you do not notice the issue the mod is causing until much further in the game.


It is also a good idea to go into the Fallout 4 save folder and back that up on a regular basis. You probably will never need to revert to a backed up save but you might, and you will be glad you have if it you need it. Good luck.

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Damanding, can you walk me through how to do that please as I have never done it before, I use MO and I am not sure exactly where the saves are kept, pathetic I know but once shown then I will know for future reference, what do I do to copy them once found and how to post them into this thread.

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In order to post your mod list, type this (without the " marks) into your file manager: "%LocalAppData%/Fallout4". That will take you to the location of a file called plugins.txt. Copy paste the results here. Please use a spoiler tag, it's in the drop down list for the third icon from top left when creating a post. Just paste your list into the box in the popup window.

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